News Robert Siciliano

(1 - 30 from 158

Long Arm of the Law Snags Alleged DDoSer
[E-Commerce Times] - The global cooperation is notable, of course -- but so is the coordination among the various U.S. law enforcement entities, security consultant Robert Siciliano, told the E-Commerce Times. "The Secret Service, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western

Russian arrested for cyberattacks on Amazon
[] - “The [three agencies] talking to each other is a direct result of the birth of the Department of Homeland Security,” security consultant Robert Siciliano told the E-Commerce Times. American authorities are seeking Zubakha's extradition. According to

Google News: Aprenda a usar contraseñas seguras

[La] - Estos son algunos datos sobre contraseñas que dio a conocer Robert Siciliano, experto de McAfee. *2.295: es la cantidad de veces que se ha identificado una lista secuencial de números, donde “ ” es la contraseña más común. *160: las veces que se

European Cybercrime Not Slowing Down
[] so they can quickly and efficiently shut down sophisticated fraud rings and fraudulent accounts. Robert Siciliano, personal security and identity theft expert contributor to iovation, discusses identity theft for the National Speakers Association

Protect Your Gaming Account As You Would Your Bank Account
[Blogger News Network (blog)] - Robert Siciliano, personal security and identity theft expert contributor to iovation, discusses identity theft in front of the National Speakers Association. (Disclosures). Let Others Know About This Post These icons link to social bookmarking sites

Security Expert: Hard To Wipe Smartphone Memory Clean
[CBS Local] - McAfee security expert Robert Siciliano of Boston tested the amount of personal information left on smartphones people thought they had stripped before putting them up for sale. “What we found was surprising. People left their entire digital lives on

Ode to the Nigerian Scammer
[Blogger News Network (blog)] - Robert Siciliano, personal security and identity theft expert contributor to iovation, discusses identity theft in front of the National Speakers Association. (Disclosures). Let Others Know About This Post These icons link to social bookmarking sites

Mobile Security Apps and Tips
[Blogger News Network (blog)] - It detects data received from multiple entry and exit points, including email, instant message attachments, Internet downloads, SMS, MMS, WiFi, and Bluetooth. Robert Siciliano, personal security expert contributor to Just Ask Gemalto. Disclosures. Let

Yahoo Hacked! Stay safe with tips from McAfee
[ITvoir] - In the end, it's the responsibility to the public to protect themselves stated by Robert Siciliano, an Online Security Expert to McAfee. This disclosure now requires those currently exposed to change their password. The rule of thumb is to change your

Google News: McAfee, come creare password davvero sicure

[] - Ha dichiarato Robert Siciliano, esperto di Online Security di McAfee. “In fin dei conti, ognuno ha la responsabilità di proteggersi. Dopo notizie come questa, chi è maggiormente esposto dovrebbe cambiare password. Anche se in generale bisognerebbe

Google News: Quince consejos para crear contraseñas seguras

[Finanza Personales] - Según Robert Siciliano, quien trabaja como experto en Seguridad en línea para McAfee, la mayoría de las personas no se da cuenta de que existe cierta cantidad de técnicas comunes que se emplean para descifrar contraseñas y hay muchas más formas

Google News: Yahoo! 用户密码泄漏启示录

[比特网] - Robert Siciliano. 作者:迈克菲身份窃取领域安全专家Robert Siciliano. 今天,有媒体报出Yahoo Voices 被黑,45 万个用户密码被泄漏。从被泄漏的明文的邮件地址和密码中我们发现,人们需要再次了解密码安全,避免一些

Google News: Niet doen: je oude smartphone verkopen

[BNR Nieuwsradio] - Mobieltje? Welke van de 744? Je oude smartphone, tablet of laptop verkopen is niet slim. Je kan ze beter vakkundig om zeep helpen, zo adviseert expert Robert Siciliano van virusscannerbedrijf McAfee. "Mensen kunnen hun oude gadget beter kapotslaan"

Google News: Rubate password a Yahoo!, i suggerimenti di McAfee

[Megamodo] - Ha dichiarato Robert Siciliano, esperto di Online Security di McAfee. “In fin dei conti, ognuno ha la responsabilità di proteggersi. Dopo notizie come questa, chi è maggiormente esposto dovrebbe cambiare password. Anche se in generale bisognerebbe

Google News: Beat the Heat: How to Protect Your Device from High Temperatures

[Government Technology] - But for public-sector entities that may not have the money for higher-priced rugged equipment, other steps can be taken to beat the heat. Robert Siciliano, a McAfee online security expert, suggests five quick tips for preventing computer damage due to

le password di 453 mila account email
[Corriere della Sera] di tecniche comuni utilizzate per individuare le password e che siamo proprio noi stessi a rendere vulnerabili i nostri dati personali perché tendiamo a utilizzare password troppo semplici», ha dichiarato Robert Siciliano, esperto di Online

Watch for New Attacks Aimed at Mobile Devices
[Blogger News Network (blog)] - It's much more secure to use your mobile data network. Keep your mobile software current. This includes the latest updates for your operating system, mobile browser and mobile security software. Robert Siciliano, personal security expert contributor to

About Canadian computers face infection threat
[Globe and Mail] - McAfee's Robert Siciliano said computer users who have no access on Monday may wrongly assume that their Internet service provider is having problems and flood them with calls. “It will ultimately be a nightmare for customer service,” said Mr

How EMV Impacts International Travel
[] use your debit card to get cash from ATMs. Inform your bank you will be traveling, otherwise they may flag your card for fraud. Visit to share your story and learn more. Robert Siciliano, personal security expert contributor to Just

Some infected computers will lose internet access Monday, online ...
[680 News] - Robert Siciliano said about Canadian-owned computers could be infected and lose access to websites when the FBI shuts down temporary servers used to stop a scam. "Essentially their PCs will be banned from connecting to the internet. They will not

Mobile Payment Update: Who Will Take the Lead This Summer?
[Blogger News Network (blog)] - We've been there before – remember Betamax versus VHS and HD DVD versus Blu-ray? Robert Siciliano, personal security expert contributor to Just Ask Gemalto. Disclosures. Let Others Know About This Post These icons link to social bookmarking sites

20 Minuten Online: Obdachloser lebte wie ein Pascha

[20 Minuten Online] - Offenbar gebe es eine Lücke bezüglich der Identifikation der Gäste, musste der Experte für Hotelsicherheit Robert Siciliano zugeben. «Die Betrüger verhalten sich ruhig, sind nett und freundlich und dadurch wirken sie beim Reception-Personal glaubhaft.

Homeless Orlando Man Snuck Into Luxury Hotels and Billed Stay to ...
[The Inquisitr] - Robert Siciliano, a McAfee Security Systems identity theft expert, explained to ABC News,. “There's a flaw in the hotel's policy when it comes to properly checking identification. [Scammers] come off as being calm, cool, and collected to the

Google News: McAfee revela lo que los adolescentes estadounidenses están ...

[Revista Generacción] - “Los padres necesitan estar informados acerca del comportamiento en línea de sus hijos”, señala Robert Siciliano, experto de seguridad en línea de McAfee. “El hecho es que permitir a los adolescentes que participen en actividades en línea sin control

Transient Eyed in Luxury Hotel Scams
[ABC News] - Hotel honor systems may have enabled Price to live luxuriously at the cost of a paying guest, said Robert Siciliano, McAfee Security Systems identity theft expert. "There's a flaw in the hotel's policy when it comes to properly checking identification

“BYOD”? Mobile Security Tips for Small Businesses
[Blogger News Network (blog)] - So if you choose to BYOD, be prepared to give up some liberties. Robert Siciliano, personal security expert contributor to Just Ask Gemalto. Disclosures. Let Others Know About This Post These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can

Google News: The $31 Billion Health Insurance Mistake (and How to Avoid It)

[Investing Answers] - Robert Siciliano, a personal security expert and security consultant with ADTPulse says underestimating medical identity theft is common. "Many think identity theft is only a financial crime but you need to be aware that medical identity theft, when

Device Security Vs Personal Options (Industry Vs People)
[Blogger News Network (blog)] - One of my many associates is Robert Siciliano, he is very active in the world of preventing Identity Theft, and one of the best ways to avoid problems is to pay attention to security, strong passwords, not sharing personal information with people you

Cyber Security Expert's Tips On Protecting Personal Info On Your ...
[CBS Local] - Cyber Security Expert Robert Siciliano, working with McAfee Cyber Security, went online and purchased 30 used smartphones including Blackberry, iPhone and Android smartphones. Scanning them with Internet available software, Siciliano says they found