Rajesh Semrete Selassie Aggarwal, Music Promoter @ RAJ MUSIC, Stafford, Staffordshire, England
Country: United Kingdom, Mobile: +44 1785 07837 895052, Language: English
I offer: GOD, JESUS CHRIST, The Bible, SERVE GOD, "Will and Determination" speech by Emperor Haile Selassie I. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church AFRICA, Kenya, INDIA, Great Britain, H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth Defender of the Faith, Jimmy Page, Music, Lyrics - Our Earth Was Once Green by RunRig, War by Bob Marley, Conference by Connecting Routes, Human Rights, Universal Love, RASTAFAR I, SALADIN, World Peace, ABOLISH RACISM, United Nations, FRSA, Communication, Entrepreneur, Charity, Sales, Promotion, Records, CD's, DVD's, Books