News Manish Gupta

(1 - 30 from 76

30. Sommerspiele beendet So lief der letzte Olympia-Tag
[BLICK.CH] - Manish Gupta , Gümligen. Melden. Dies waren die geilsten Olympische Spiele - Danke London Wir haben wirklich atemberaubende Sportarten gesehen und stets mitgezittert. Für die Schweizer Delegation hätte es sicherlich noch ein bisschen besser

Over green energy policy, Partha gives a self goal
[Indian Express] Commerce and Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee talked about his government's “plan” to draft a policy on renewable energy. “It is being drafted by Power Minister Manish Gupta now and it is too early to give details,” he said convincingly. But

Spirig holt Gold im Foto-Finish So knapp war die Entscheidung!
[BLICK.CH] - Benno Schoenholzer , Yang Talad. Melden. Herzliche Gratulation!!!!! ; 321; 25. Manish Gupta , Gümligen. Melden. Well done N.Spirig!!! Du hast dich für die Nation so richtig im Rennen zerrissen Nun muss Röthlin und Schurter nachziehen!

Okhla Land Fill project is significant for waste management:Mayor
[Newstrack India] - She was accompanied by the Chairman, Standing Committee, Mr. Rajesh Gehlot, Leader of the House, Mr. Subhash Arya and Municipal Commissioner, Mr. Manish Gupta besides other senior officers of the Corporation. The Corporation in coordination with

Municipal corporations may take over parking lots
[Hindustan Times] - Referring to news reports about the parking lots, Gehlot wrote to commissioner Manish Gupta, "It is astonishing to see that the PWD has opened the parking under Naraina flyover.” Gehlot also directed the commissioner to prepare a report on such parking

Energía eléctrica es reestablecida en la India
[] sin embargo este miércoles lograron salir a la sueprficie gracias al restablecimiento de energía. El ministro de Energía de Bengala Occidental, Manish Gupta, reconoció que se trata de “la crisis energética más grave en la región”. Tags Relacionados

Stromausfall: Der größte Blackout aller Zeiten
[Berliner Morgenpost] - Wir tun alles, um die Stromversorgung wieder herzustellen", sagte der Energieminister von Westbengalen, Manish Gupta. In Neu-Delhi brach wegen des Stromausfalls das Metro-Netz zusammen. Täglich nutzen rund 1,8 Millionen Menschen die U-Bahn der

Google News: 6亿人无电用印度政府糗大

[Epoch Times] - 西孟加拉省电力厅长古普塔(Manish Gupta)告诉记者:“这是本地最严重的缺电危机。我们供电给北部电厂,这种电力共享的做法,却造成大断电。” 相同问题似乎也发生在东北部电厂,因为东部电厂发生问题后,东北部电厂随即停

Google News: Krisis Listrik, Sebagian India Gelap

[] - Pembagian suplai listrik justru mengakibatkan gangguan,'' papar Manish Gupta, menteri urusan listrik Negara Bagian Bengali Barat. Proses yang sama tampaknya juga mengganggu jaringan listrik di timur laut. Di daerah ini, jaringan langsung kolaps sesaat

19 Medaillen an Olympia Phelps stellt Rekord für die Ewigkeit auf
[BLICK.CH] - Manish Gupta , Gümligen. Melden. Viele wissen wohl nicht,dass er mit ADS Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit Syndrom solche Leistungen erbrungen hat. Seine Geschichte ist so speziell,dass er es verdient hat,der grösste Schwimmer aller Zeiten zu sein Olympia.

Google News: Sự cố mất điện hi hữu: Một nửa Ấn Độ chìm vào bóng tối

[Thể thao văn hóa] - Chúng tôi đã cấp điện cho mạng điện phía Bắc và việc chia sẻ năng lượng đã dẫn tới cả hệ thống bị sập" - Bộ trưởng Điện lực Tây Bengal Manish Gupta cho biết. Tại bang này, hàng trăm thợ mỏ vẫn bị mắc kẹt dưới mỏ than do công ty Eastern Coalfields Ltd

Índia restabelece energia após apagão gigante que deixou 1,2 bilhão de ...
[Terra Brasil] - Estávamos tentando fornecer eletricidade à rede norte, o que provou o colapso da nossa" rede, indicou à AFP o ministro de Energia de Bengala Ocidental, Manish Gupta. Na segunda-feira, o norte do país, onde vivem 300 milhões de habitantes, mergulhou

Comics return with a bang!
[Zee News] - Manish Gupta, says Raj Comics went digital 4 years ago. “Our eComics store has almost titles that could be read over a PC and those are priced very affordably as well.” KaranVir Arora, CEO Vimanika Comics, says that “from to nothing

Google News: 620 million lose electricity

[Columbia Daily Tribune] - We are doing everything to restore power," West Bengal Power Minister Manish Gupta said. New Delhi's Metro rail system, which serves about 1.8 million people a day, immediately shut down for the second day in a row. Police said they managed to evacuate

Blackout across West Bengal
[The Hindu] - Power Minister Manish Gupta said that it would take about 10 to 12 hours for power to be restored to the affected areas across the State as it had to be done in a phased manner. “Such a huge crisis has never before been witnessed…There has been a

Power failure: 200 miners trapped underground in West Bengal
[Firstpost] - State Power Minister Manish Gupta said, “It is a big disaster… We have started the repair work. But normalcy can't be restored before tonight as repair work will take at least hours.” Train services over South Eastern Railway and Eastern railway

20 Minuten Online: Jetzt sitzt halb Indien im Dunkeln

[20 Minuten Online] - Wir tun alles, um die Stromversorgung wieder herzustellen», sagte der Energieminister von Westbengalen, Manish Gupta. In Neu-Delhi brach wegen des Stromausfalls das Metro-Netz zusammen. Täglich nutzen rund 1,8 Millionen Menschen die U-Bahn der

Small Cells and the Future of Wireless
[New York Times (blog)] - “It's like adding a commuter lane, a high-speed type of lane, where you have increased the speeds for most of the users,” said Manish Gupta, a vice president of marketing at Symmetricom, which has made software for small-cell technologies. “You've now

Kolkata, July 31: Power outage hit all the districts of West Bengal after the ...
[IANS] - All the districts of the state are going to face power shortage and outage today," said the state's Power Minister Manish Gupta. "We have started the repair work. But normalcy can't be restored before tonight as repair work will take at least

[中央通訊社] - 西孟加拉省電力廳長古普塔(Manish Gupta)告訴記者:「這是本地最嚴重的缺電危機。我們供電給北部電廠,這種電力共享的做法,卻造成大斷電。」 相同問題似乎也發生在東北部電廠,因為東部電廠發生問題後,東北部電廠隨即停擺。 電力部高階官員表示:「這是場大

இந்தியாவில் மின்விநியோகம் தடை;
[யாழ்] - We were supplying power to the northern grid and this power sharing has led to the collapse," West Bengal Power Minister, Manish Gupta, told AFP. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee told reporters that "hundreds" of miners had been trapped in

Kejriwal urges 'total revolution'
[The Hindu] - It is such a shame for Indian media/Newspaper that they are not spreading the movement of India against corruption spearheaded by TEAM ANNA...Hope THE HINDU will mobilize the public in supprot of TEAM ANNA.. from: Manish Gupta. Posted on: Jul 28

Finally, Kolkata Municipal Corporation admits arsenic threat
[Times of India] only to install them in the same area during the summer months when there is water scarcity. The KMC took this step to buy peace when state power minister and MLA from Jadavpur Manish Gupta complained of water crisis in large stretches of Jadavpur.

Unfassbar! Wie kann Mehmedi diesen Ball bloss verstolpern?
[BLICK.CH] - Manish Gupta , Gümligen. Melden. Er ist ein Mensch, wie du und ich - darum darf er auch mal den Ball verstolpern - oder dürfen all die Sportler oder Menschen hier in der Schweiz keine Fehler mehr machen??? "Aus Niederlagen Fehlern,lernt der Mensch

Touts in Delhi prey on desperate patients to provide quick 'services'
[India Today] - As we were making enquiries, a man started following us," management student Manish Gupta said, reliving his brush with a tout at the hospital. "He told us that he will charge Rs 3,000 to Rs 4,000 to obtain the recommendations. When I warned that we

Paying to jump the hospital queue: Touts prey on patients to provide quick ...
[Daily Mail] - As we were making enquiries, a man started following us,' management student Manish Gupta said, reliving his brush with a tout at the hospital. 'He told us that he will charge Rs3,000 to Rs4,000 to obtain the recommendations. When I warned that we

Adventure Equipment Inc in West Delhi scales new heights
[Economic Times] - "Adventure business has been grown exceptionally well over the last few years," said Manish Gupta, owner of Rocksport Outdoor, a West Delhi-based adventure equipment dealer. "We have had a growth of almost 100 percent year-on-year since "

Youth crushed under truck
[Times of India] - The deceased, identified as Manish Gupta, left his home situated at Panchyawala on the outskirts of the city at am on Saturday. While he was driving on the Ajmer road, a rashly-driven truck hit his bike from behind. After which the youth fell off

Bryshon Nellum ist das Olympia-Wunder Vor 4 Jahren hatte er noch Kugeln in ...
[BLICK.CH] - Manish Gupta , Gümligen. Melden. Das sind eben Geschichten, die nur der Sport schreiben kann!!! Mit Wille,Ehrgeiz,Leidenschaft,Kampfgeist kann man mehr bewegen, als nur mit Geld etc!!! Dabei sollte man stets den Respekt für den Gegner halten - auch

Sports and Orthopedic Center Brings Unique Medical Advancements to the ...
[RedOrbit] - Dr. Provo is joining forces with Dr. Manish Gupta at SOC to provide unique, state-of-the-art treatments and deliver top tier orthopedic care to the local community. At the forefront of the advanced techniques offered at SOC are Diagnostic Ultrasound