News Jill Valentine

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Classic brawler Marvel vs. Capcom 2 tags onto the iPhone on April 25th
[Pocket Gamer] - Finally, I can fulfil my life's ambition of pitting Captain America against Resi's Jill Valentine while I'm queuing for groceries. Capcom - how did you know? The Variable System will remain intact after crossing the platform divide, allowing players to

Google News: Retro Corner: 'Resident Evil 3: Nemesis'

[Digital Spy (blog)] - Instead of a sprawling new location to explore, it was once again centered around Raccoon City, seeing returning favorite Jill Valentine attempt to survive a city-wide zombie outbreak. Building upon the popularity of Raccoon City as a location

Google News: Retro Corner: 'Resident Evil 3: Nemesis'

[Digital Spy UK (blog)] - Instead of a sprawling new location to explore, it was once again centered around Raccoon City, seeing returning favourite Jill Valentine attempt to survive a city-wide zombie outbreak. Building upon the popularity of Raccoon City as a location

Last seen at 8
[] - Here's the lineup: Our first round of contestants include Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine (Resident Evil), X and Zero (Mega Man X), Dmitri (Darkstalkers), Ryu and Ken (Street Fighter, and Dante (Devil May Cry). From Sega we get Kurt Irving and Liera

Google News: Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Spec Ops Missions 2-4 Now ...

[] - While the areas are somewhat new, the missions will be familiar to anyone who has played through the Umbrella Security Service campaign: Following intelligence from Jill Valentine, Echo Six elite squad continue the hunt for the crucial evidence that

Google News: “Resident Evil 6 tiene los personajes más machistas de la serie”

[Ongames] - Concretamente echan en falta que en Resident Evil 6 aparezcan Jill Valentine y Claire Redfield, protagonistas de juegos anteriores. Haz clic aquí para leer más críticas negativas. “Kayima dijo en su día que los Resi deben mantener equidad entre géneros

Google News: Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

[FantasyMundo] - Además nuestros caminos se cruzarán con protagonistas clásicos de la saga como son Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong o Jill Valentine. De hecho, para poder sentir plenamente la experiencia de pertenecer a la malvada corporación Umbrella

Google News: Resident Evil 6 decepciona a los fans porque faltan personajes clave

[Ongames] - ¿Significa eso que le ha vuelto a pasar algo a Jill Valentine? Precisamente se rumorea que Capcom está ocultando un cuarto personaje jugable en Resident Evil 6. Ya existen cábalas sobre quién puede ser, según una lista de protagonistas recientemente

Google News: Resident Evil's Biggest Fan Is Mostly Optimistic About Resident Evil 6

[Kotaku] - I hope Piers ends up playing a very crucial role; otherwise I can see many fans, including myself, longing for Jill Valentine to have been included instead. RE turned 16 on March 22, Capcom's recently reminded us what made past RE so special

Google News: Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City: Nuevo DLC Spec Ops para ...

[juegosDB] - Tras la misión protagonizada por Jill Valentine, el grupo de élite Echo Six tiene ahora el protagonismo del videojuego. Como principal deber, recuperar evidencias que nos lleven a la confirmación de que Umbrella ha sido el causante de desastre de

Google News: Capcom, Sega en Namco Bandai werken samen aan Project X Zone

[] - Zo zijn in Project X Zone Chris Redfield en Jill Valentine terug te vinden, beide afkomstig uit Capcoms Resident Evil-serie. Ook Liu en Ken Masters uit Capcoms Street Fighter-games zijn speelbaar, net als X uit Capcoms Mega Man X. Sega levert

Google News: 'Project X Zone' muestra sus primeras imágenes y artworks

[] - -Capcom: Ryu, Ken, X, Zero, Dimitiri, Dante Sparda, Chris y Jill Valentine. -SEGA: Shinguji Sakura, Ogami Ichiro, Pai, Akira, Kurt, Riela, Ulala y Touma. -Namco Bandai: Sanger Somvold, Jin Kazama, Ling Xiaoyu, Kos-Mos, T-elos, Yurie, Estel

Google News: Finish Here : Resident Evil Rebirth

[ (Blog)] - Jill Valentine vous invite pour un Finish Here de son meilleur opus ! En compagnie de Tùni découvrez pendant plus de quatre heure ce remake, qui hélas n'as pas eu le succès commercial mérité ! Et merci de nous suivre ! La communauté grandit !

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City DLC Now Available
[Electronic Theatre] - Fans of the series will be able to re-visit the moment when Jill Valentine encounters the Nemesis, sent by Umbrella to eliminate all STARS members. On a battlefield that can only exist within the terrifying Resident Evil universe, players will need to

Des infos sur Capcom X Sega X Namco Bandaï
[] - Ryu et Ken de Street Fighter, Chris Redfield et Jill Valentine de Resident Evil, Dimitri de Darkstalkers, Dante de Devil May Cry et enfin X et Zero de Mega Man X en ce qui concerne Capcom. Du côté de Namco Bandaï, ce seront Jin et Xiaoyu de Tekken

New Resident Evil 6 trailer leaked, teases new release date
[] - As the infection slowly spreads and more information is leaked, fans may finally get an answer as to the whereabouts of series fem-fatales Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine and Ada Wong's involvement. Follow the link for the second full trailer for

'Resident Evil: Retribuição': Confira o novo visual de Jill Valentine
[CinePOP] - Sienna Guillory retorna como Jill Valentine, e Milla Jovovich volta a viver Alice. O elenco ainda conta com Michelle Rodriguez, Colin Salmon, Shawn Roberts e Boris Kodjoe. Johann Urb, visto brevemente em '2012', ficará com o papel de Leon Scott Kennedy

Gratuit: primul DLC pentru Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
[Gazeta Sporturilor] - În noua campanie, jucătorii o vor întâlni și pe faimoasa Jill Valentine. Restul de șase pachete vor fi obținute contra cost iar Slant Six, producătorul jocului, va lansa în curând și patru hărți de multiplayer.

Ist Project X Zone der Titel des 3DS-Spieles von SEGA, Bandai ...
[ntower] - Ich seh schon den Ladebildschirm vor meinen Augen - Jill Valentine vs. Lloyd Irving "Nun hat Bandai Namco beim japanischen Patentamt die Namen All Star Battle und Project X Zone sich rechtlich schützen lassen." Das geht vom Satzbau her aber auch besser

Resident Evil 6
[SpieleRadar] - Jill Valentine wird nach ihrer Hochzeit mit Chris als Jill Redfield zurückkehren und in Resident Evil 6 als Biowaffen-Beraterin im New Yorker Hauptquartier der BSAA tätig sein. Ein interessantes Geheimnis, das noch nicht gelüftet wurde

Google News: Top 10 Most-Wanted Dreamcast Games For iPad

[Side Mission] - Superheroes collide in this over-the-top and immensely challenging brawler where players choose from a whopping 56 characters and engage in three-on-three bouts featuring the likes of Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Jill Valentine, and Ryu.

Google News: Review: Resident Evil: Op Raccoon City

[] - While Team Attack and Biohazard represent team deathmatch and capture the flag under new names, Heroes mode is simply team deathmatch with the opportunity to reprise a few memories by playing as famous faces such as Jill Valentine and Ada Wong.

Google News: Street Fighter X Tekken : le DLC payant est déjà sur le disque...

[] les DLC inutiles de RE5, l'aspect "shooter multi" sans aucun scénario de ORC, les costumes et autres DLC à la mord-moi le noeud pour Street Fighter et autres Marvel vs Capcom -on se souvient du cas Jill Valentine -) et le blowback sur Resident Evil

Back to the Arcade with Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
[GMA News] - Well, let's count the ways: Foremost are the 12 brand new fighters in both the Marvel and Capcom rosters, making it a grand total of 50 to choose from (Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath can be downloaded). New modes like the Spectator Mode

Google News: Chris Redfield: Evolución del personaje hasta Resident Evil 6

[juegosDB] - Chris Redfield fue, junto con Jill Valentine, el protagonista del primer Resident Evil. En esta primera entrega, el grupo de fuerzas especiales STARS descubría por primera vez los terribles planes de Umbrella en la mansión Spencer, situada en una zona

Google News: Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Review

[] - The mission is said to include the encounter between Jill Valentine and the Nemesis. Overall : This game is a bit of a pick and mix. It is not the best Resident Evil title to be released and due to the bugs, glitches and lack of a proper storyline that

Jill Valentine: Latest News, Videos and Photos of Jill Valentine |...
Jill Valentine News: Latest and Breaking News on Jill Valentine. Explore Jill Valentine profile at Times of India for photos, videos and latest news of Jill...

Jill Valentine | Marvel vs. Capcom Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
"Chris... Raccoon City... S.T.A.R.S.... What are these memories?" —Jill in MVC3 Jill Valentine is a video game character in the Resident...

Computerspiele - Die hübschesten virtuellen Frauen - Digital -
Sie heißen Lara Croft, Yuna und Nene Anegasaki, sie sind Protagonisten in Computerspielen und atemberaubend hübsch - beinahe zum Verlieben.

Hi-Res Teaser Poster for 'Resident Evil: Afterlife', Jill Valentine ...
Some new developments in the world of Resident Evil as star Milla Jovovich has confirmed that Sienna Guillory is back as Jill Valentine in Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D. “So to answer many of your questions in one fell swoop, yes ...