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60-second tip: Ready-to-go kit
[San Francisco Chronicle (blog)] - (EDITOR'S NOTE: This weekly feature offers tips, from basic to advanced, for the road. Some of our advice will be painfully obvious to seasoned travelers, but reflects questions from readers. Send your questions or tips to BadLatitudeTV(at)

Community Calendar
[Bend Bulletin] - BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; , or FURBALL: Themed “Tux & Tails," with

A daughter of privilege in Mongolia resettles in Colorado
[Glenwood Springs Post Independent] - Anyone in the community with an immigrant story to tell about themselves or relatives is invited to contact Gallacher: . To read past Immigrant Stories go to Misheel Chuluun lives in Basalt with

Sept. 25 Community news
[Greenville Daily Reflector] - Soup and Sensibility. The Pitt County Democratic Party hosts Soup and Sensibility at noon at its headquarter, Charles Blvd. For more information, . Falls prevention fair. A falls prevention screening and education

National Lawyers Guild Calls Berkeley Measure S “Serious Infringement on Civil ...
[Bay Area Indymedia] - by Christopher Cook ( berkeleystandinguppress [at] ) Monday Sep 24th, :27 PM. The National Lawyers Guild is urging Berkeley voters to reject Measure S, the "sit-lie" proposal that would make it … to sit on a sidewalk in commercial

What's New: Week of September 27
[Canadian Jewish News (blog)] ; or send an email to: . Saturday, Sept PRE-HOLIDAY LECTURES. Rabbi Avrohom Plotkin discusses “Can We Buy Off God With Charity?” at Chabad of Markham,;

Google News: MRYC Foundation awards dinner nears sellout

[The Star Democrat] - Those wishing to attend the dinner at the Miles River Yacht Club should telephone or promptly. Tickets are $100 each, with proceeds benefiting the foundation's grant-making to youth-oriented non-profit

Fish oil supplement produced locally
[Coshocton Tribune] - For more information, call Local Bounty at or . More. Organic Technologies has had a hand in the wholesale fish oil market for years and now has taken a step into the retail division to sell the popular

Google News: Passport Dinner Tour begins Oct. 5

[Morning Sentinel] - Morning Sentinel Staff. EAST WILTON -- Wilson Grange Passport Dinner Tour's Harvest Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5. Cost is $12 per person. Reservations are appreciated, call Chris Krauss at or .

Google News: Detroit Restaurant Week: We're giving away $50 gift certificates

[Model D] - Just send an email with your name to and we'll pick the seventh person to contact us the first week; and the seventh to enter the contest next week. Two lucky sevens will be doing some fine dining the next couple of weeks.

Google News: Por Ernesto García Mac Gregor / Médico /garciamacgregor@gmail ...

[] - Por Ernesto García Mac Gregor / Médico /. El político, para gobernar, debe conseguir prestigio y autoridad mediante el uso de la fuerza, lo que exige prescindir de consideraciones éticas y usarlas solamente como apariencia de

Google News: En primera fila

[El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo] - Twitter: @Carlos_Mtz_Glz * El autor es Agente Aduanal Sustituto. Licenciado en Derecho por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Certificado en Administración de Negocios Globales por la Universidad de

Google News: Continúa concurso para afiche de la XI Bienal Salvador Valero

[Diario El Tiempo] - Los concursantes que lo deseen pueden solicitar una copia de los logos o cualquiera otra información al tele o al . Los trabajos deberán ser remitidos a la Av. Isaías Medina Angarita. Núcleo

Google News: Eusebio Guiñazú y su mejor try

[Diario Uno] - Todos los interesados en colaborar como voluntarios para esta y otras acciones pueden contactarse via mail a . “Yo no pretendo cambiar el mundo, pero en el pedacito que me tocó vivir quiero hacer la diferencia” expresa el

Google News: Tercera Semana del Prematuro

[El Diario del Sur de Córdoba] - El punto de encuentro será bajo el arco de Tecnópolis, ubicado en el acceso de la avenida General Paz y se invita a los participantes a enviar su foto previamente a . Durante la fiesta habrá un show sorpresa para celebrar

Google News: Se extienden los cursos de capacitación dictados por el SIES

[Once Noticias] - El cupo de cada curso es limitado, no más de 40 personas. Para inscribirse a los mismos pueden contactarse mediante el . Luego deberán completar un formulario con sus datos: nombre y apellido, profesión, ciudad

Google News: Pumas: Pensando en Nueva Zelanda

[Nuestro Rugby] - Aquellos medios interesados en cubrir el evento, deberán confirmar presencia via mail a . Declaraciones: Lucas González Amorosino (Fullback de Los Pumas): “Estaba con muchas ganas de volver a entrenar y de ver a los chicos.

Google News: El cultivo de anturio como flor de corte

[Noticias del Agro] - Informes e inscripción: dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla , .arEsta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra

Google News: Inscriben para financiación de proyectos de innovación tecnológica

[] - Los interesados pueden obtener mayor información o entregar los proyectos en la sede del Cedit, ubicada en Félix de Azara º Piso, de Posadas o bien comunicarse a los teléfonos o por mail a .


[PioneroDiario] los pilares con los que se construye un mundo más pacífico”, expresó en un comunicado la OMT. Texto: Secretaría de Turismo de la Nación. Cámara de Turismo de San Bernardo/ Sede: Av. Chiozza N°

Google News: Nuevas versiones de "Gangnam Style" incluyen a Piñera y Britney ...

[Publimetro Chile] Piñera, Britney Spears, Hitler, el presidenciable norteamericano Mitt Romney, guaguas junto a sus madres, Nelly Furtado, Elmo, entre otros. Si tienes un video y quieres que aparezca en Publimetro Video, envíanos un mail a

Entertainment Events
[The Ledger] - LOCATION: Ruby Tuesdays for dinner, Lake Hollingsworth to hike. Come for dinner and/or hike. Meet at Presbyterian Church parking lot for the hike. PHONE: Eileen Valachovic for details. RSVP for dinner by Thursday.

Counterparties: Apple's “headaches”
[Reuters Blogs (blog)] it's just a matter of checking a box if you're already registered on the Reuters website. Send suggestions, story tips and complaints to . The most telling quote about Apple's recent stumbles didn't come from CEO Tim

Jamie Samuelsen's blog: Lions had no business beating the Titans anyway
[Detroit Free Press] - You can reach him at , follow him on Twitter @jamiesamuelsen and read more of his opinions at What was the overriding story from the Lions loss to the Titans on Sunday? One day, someone should write a book

Stateline Area Community Calendar
[Beloit Daily News] - Refreshments will be served. For more information, call or . STATELINE SINGLES bowling starts at 6 p.m. at Diamond Lanes, Beloit.Singles 55 or older are welcome. For more information, call

Sam The Record Man: Your memories of Sam Sniderman's iconic store
[Toronto Star] - Email stories and photos to or comment in this article. We will post a selection of them on Please include your name and where you live. To browse more old photos and stories about Sam The Record Man — and

Google News: HEALTH Q&A

[Las Vegas Review-Journal] - HEALTH Q&A: Carbohydrates. Jack Schenk has been a trainer for nine years and has trained more than 11,000 sessions. He can be reached at . Previous image Enlarge Close Next image

Greater Danbury activities for all to enjoy
[Danbury News Times] - Visit or contact the directors, Patti Azzara at or Kay Curtis at . Comedy. DANBURY "America's Funniest Mom," Andrea Mezvinsky, will perform at a Ladies Night Out at The Palace

Google News: Por Carolina Jaimes Branger /Periodista / carolinajaimesbranger ...

[] - Por Carolina Jaimes Branger /Periodista / . Escuchar a un candidato a la Presidencia de la República realizar promesas es algo normal. Pero escuchar a un candidato a la tercera reelección hacer promesas como si fuera

Google News: Plagas emergentes, amenaza sin fronteras

[El Universal] - Sitios Relacionados. Gráfico animado Virus sin fronteras, amenaza latente · Video Ciencia Para Ti. Fabrica moco de gorila. Lunes 24 de septiembre de Guillermo Cárdenas Guzmán | El Universal Comenta la Nota.

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