Constantin Vohs, 33, Student @ keine, USA/Paraguay
Birth name: Constantin Vohs, Nickname: Consi, Country: United States of America, Language: German
I offer: Constantin Vohs is born 1992 German/Austrian. Constantin lives since 2003 in Paraguay and speaks German, English and Spanish. He was at an international school since he was 4 years old and has a high level English just as Castellano (Spanish) Also, he has learned the paraguayan accent throughout his residence in Paraguay, and learned a bit of Guarani, the natives language of Paraguay. German is his main language. Future Business Connections, Opportunities to gain experience in the field of Marketing, Further cultural knowledge and experience. Living experiences in Europe, South America and North America. German, Spanish, English. Experience in Entertainment Business as Musician, Cultural Competence. I currently am a Marketing student at the Missouri State University. I am also member and PR of the Association of International Students at the university. I lived 10 years in Europe, 8 years in South America and am aiming towards 4 years(2010-2014) in the US before returning to Europe