News Amir Cohen

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Google News: Meteor Shower, August 2012: Tuesday, August 14, Early Hours ...

[Latinos Post] - (Photo : REUTERS/Amir Cohen ) A long exposure shows stars behind a tree during the annual Perseid meteor shower near the southern town of Mitzpe Ramon August 13, The Perseid meteor shower should still be visible on the night of Monday

ACRI petition to stop destruction of Beduin villages
[Jerusalem Post] - Photo: REUTERS/Amir Cohen. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and several other rights' groups petitioned the High Court Tuesday to stop the government's plan to build seven new Jewish towns in the northern Negev, destroying five

J'lem lacks bomb shelters; residents not worried
[Jerusalem Post] - Photo: Amir Cohen / Reuters. Jerusalem does not have enough public bomb shelters in older neighborhoods, but that doesn't really bother residents of those neighborhoods, The Jerusalem Post found during an informal survey judging the city's readiness

Google News: L'actualité du 13 août en images

[Le Temps (Abonnement)] - ISRAËL. Une photo prise lors des Perséides, une pluie d'étoile filantes. (Amir Cohen/Reuters). previous image. /. next image. view image in fullscreen. Login · Abos · Editions PDF · ePaper · RSS · Contacts · Pub · Boutique · LE TEMPS © Le Temps SA.

Perseid meteor shower thrills stargazers
[National Post] - National Post Staff | Aug 13, :58 PM ET More from National Post Staff. REUTERS/Amir Cohen. A long exposure shows stars behind a tree during the annual Perseid meteor shower near the southern town of Mitzpe Ramon in Sirael August 13,

Meteor shower
[Reuters] - A long exposure shows stars behind a tree during the annual Perseid meteor shower near the southern town of Mitzpe Ramon, Israel August 13, Credit: Reuters/Amir Cohen. Mon Aug 13, :05pm EDT. A look at the night skies as people around the Israelere får rakettvarsel på mobil

[NRK] - Israelere får rakettvarsel på mobil. Arkivbilde: Israelske politimenn undesøker delene av en skutt rakett (Foto: AMIR COHEN/. Israelske politimenn undesøker delene av en skutt rakett i byen Ashkelon. Arkivbilde fra Foto: AMIR COHEN/Reuters

Egipto despliega sus tropas y helicópteros de combate en el Sinaí ...
[Terra España] en el Sinaí con el beneplácito de Israel 10 de agosto de • 06:37 • actualizado a las 07:48. Reducir; Normal; Aumentar. Imprimir. Noticia. Un grupo de soldados israelíes en el cruce Kerem Shalo, en la frontera con Egipto. Foto: Amir Cohen

Israel media talk of imminent Iran war push
[Reuters India] - Credit: Reuters/Amir Cohen. By Dan Williams. JERUSALEM | Fri Aug 10, :43pm IST. JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's prime minister and defence minister would like to attack Iran's nuclear sites before the U.S. election in November but lack crucial

Google News: Gov't to finance garbage-to-electricity facilities

[Jerusalem Post] - Photo: Amir Cohen/Reuters. The Environmental Protection Ministry will be allocating NIS 70 million toward the establishment of green energy generation facilities that transform garbage into useable electricity, the ministry announced on Wednesday.

Google News: La poudrière du Sinaï gêne le Caire

[Paris Match] - Photo Amir Cohen/Reuters. Pour l'Egypte post-Moubarak, la situation sécuritaire du désert du Sinaï, proche d'Israël et de la bande de Gaza, est un véritable défi. L'armée y a mené mercredi des bombardements, alors que ses soldats sont harcelés par des

[华尔街日报中文网] - Amir Cohen/Reuters. 疾如风:周一,伦敦奥林匹克体育场,选手们正在参加女子1500米赛跑预赛。 Mark Blinch/Reuters. 死里逃生:周一,叙利亚Anadan地区,巴勒斯坦难民穆罕默德(Mohammed)在一家战地医院内休息。穆罕默德

Google News: Οι Ισραηλινοί γνώριζαν για την επίθεση των ισλαμιστών στο Σινά

[Το Βήμα Online] - Οι Ισραηλινοί γνώριζαν για την επίθεση των ισλαμιστών στο Σινά. Ισραηλινός στρατιώτης προσπερνά αιγυπτιακό στρατιωτικό όχημα που πυρπολήθηκε κοντά στη μεθόριο Αιγύπτου-Ισραήλ από ισλαμιστές κατά την επίθεση της Κυριακής. (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)

Мадонна выступит в Москве со скандальным шоу MDNA
[РИА Новости] - REUTERS/ Amir Cohen © AFP/ Carl De Souza. Добавить комментарий. 03: МОСКВА, 7 авг - РИА Новости. Американская королева поп-музыки Мадонна выступит в столичном спорткомплексе "Олимпийский" во вторник с

Google News: Pemimpin Hamas: Israel Dalangi Serangan Sinai

[Republika Online] - Haniya: Israel Dalangi Serangan Sinai. Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012, 02:42 WIB. (Amir Cohen/Reuters). Haniya: Israel Dalangi Serangan Sinai. Perbatasan Israel-Mesir di gurun Sinai. Berita Terkait. Israel: Serangan Hizbullah Lebih Berbahaya dari Roket Iran

Google News: Na Sinaji nevraždili islamisté, ale Mossad, tvrdí Muslimské bratrstvo

[] - Izraelský voják vedle shořelého egyptského vojenského vozidla, kterým islamističtí útočníci chtěli prorazit na území židovského státu. FOTO: Amir Cohen, Reuters. pondělí 6. srpna 2012, 20:33 - Káhira. Podle Bratrstva šlo o snahu Mossadu zbrzdit nového

Israel urges citizens to leave Sinai 'immediately'
[Ma'an News Agency] - Egypt's Sinai desert on June 18, (Reuters/Amir Cohen). BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israel issued a travel warning on Thursday urging its citizens to leave the Egyptian Sinai peninsula immediately, a statement from the Israeli prime minister's office said. Panetta in Israel Iran soll sich "auf Militärschlag gefasst machen"

[ZEIT ONLINE] - Amir Cohen/Reuters. Leon Panetta bei seinem Besuch in Aschkelon. US-Verteidigungsminister Leon Panetta hat Israel versichert, dass die USA das vermutete iranische Atombombenprogramm notfalls auch militärisch stoppen werden. "Es gibt weitere

Israeler døde etter å ha satt fyr på seg selv i protest mot regjeringen
[Aftenposten] - Israelske demonstranter marsjerer på en av Tel Avivs hovedgater mot regjeringens velferds- og boligpolitikk. Bildet er fra 14. juli, etter at Moshe Shilman satte fyr på seg selv og døde av skadene. FOTO: Amir Cohen / Reuters

Anti-gay B&Bs come under fire in Canada, US
[Sun News Network] - Credits: REUTERS/Amir Cohen. QMI AGENCY. Two weeks after a Canadian bed and breakfast was fined for refusing to accommodate a gay couple, a B&B south of the border is making headlines for posting on Facebook that God invented AIDS to punish Kymmenet suomalaisvapaaehtoiset matkustavat Israelin armeijan ...

[Helsingin Sanomat] - Helsingin Sanomat. AMIR COHEN / REUTERS. Israelilaissotilas tarkkaili ympäristöä lähellä Gazan kaistaletta kesäkuussa Kymmenet suomalaiset vapaaehtoiset matkustavat joka vuosi Israeliin auttamaan sen sotilasvoimia. Israelin armeijaa (IDF)

Sinai group says responsible for Israel attack in June
[Ma'an News Agency] - (Reuters/Amir Cohen). ISMAILIA, Egypt (Reuters) -- An Islamic Jihadi group based in Egypt's Sinai has posted a video showing it carried out a cross-border attack in June, killing one Israeli at a border barrier construction site and raising doubts over

Google News: Shimon Peres: Iran telah menyatakan perang melawan kami

[] - Shimon Peres: Iran telah menyatakan perang melawan kami. Shimon Peres: Iran telah menyatakan perang melawan kami. tentara israel. (c) REUTERS/Amir Cohen/Files. Kategori Dunia. Berita tag terkait. Mayoritas rakyat Amerika setuju serang IranAkhiri

Ways Kazakhstan men propose
[Tengrinews] - Ways Kazakhstan men propose. Thursday13:33. Ways Kazakhstan men propose. ©REUTERS/Amir Cohen. journalists have researched the unusual ways Kazakhstan men propose and the unusual things they are ready do for

Feature - Israel Electric's fight to keep the lights on
[Reuters UK] - Credit: Reuters/Amir Cohen. By Ari Rabinovitch and Tova Cohen. TEL AVIV | Wed Jul 18, :31pm BST. TEL AVIV (Reuters) - In a TV comedy sketch well-known among Israelis, a man sits in his living room bundled in a fur coat with four air conditioners

Letter: OK for an American citizen but not our president?
REUTERS/Amir Cohen/File. Letter writer says violence against Israel has always been a part of its life. By Letters To The Editor |. December 14, at 9:00 pm. Marvin Goodman (Letters, Dec. 10) writes that he has “always considered and will always consider Jerusalem the capital of Israel.” Then he continues: “Any blood ...

How to make the most of your summer vacation
Amir Cohen, founder and CEO of Green Blender, a Brooklyn startup that delivers pre-measured organic smoothie ingredients across the Northeast, tries to sneak away for a few days each quarter to refresh and get inspired. “I always come back with big and bold ideas,” he says. Every holiday has to end, ...

Three passengers injured, window broken after Air India plane hits...
Terrified passengers were left fearing for their lives when turbulence cracked a jet's window -- hours after a woman died after she was sucked out of another...