Yasni Exposé of Srinivas Kishan Anapu




Srinivas Kishan Anapu, 57, VP - Enterprise Information Sy @ Mahindra Satyam, Hyderabad

Birth name: A. Srinivas, Nickname: Kishan, Country: India, Language: English
I offer: Senior IT Executive and an experienced business leader with significant experience across a broad spectrum of IT leadership functions. Played a multitude of roles including Internal IT Head, Software Delivery Head, Customer Relationship Management, Operational Excellence Head and an Entrepreneur. Strong leadership and networking skills with proven talent for envisioning the big picture and implementing operational plans to surpass objectives and profitability targets. Have domain and functional knowledge in the HR, Technology, Media, Transportation and Services Industries. Wide International exposure and has travelled extensively to US, Canada, UK, Singapore, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Malaysia, China, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, etc. Possess strong background in Computer Science, Mathematics and Engineering, combined with over 18 successful years of IT experience working in different roles and various capacities.
Srinivas Kishan Anapu @ Mahindra Satyam, Hyderabad

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Srinivas Kishan Anapu @ Hyderabad
May 10  +
Srinivas Kishan Anapu - Srinivas Kishan Anapu
May 10  +

6 results for Srinivas Kishan Anapu

Invalid URL: 100 Most Influential CIOs of 2009

Featured in the CIO magazine as one of the most 100 influential CIOs in India in the year 2009...
Srinivas Kishan Anapu @ Hyderabad
cio100.cio.in 2011-01-02  +  

Invalid URL: Advisory Panel for the Next 100 CIOs in the IT Next Magazine.

I was selected as the Advisory Panel for the Next 100 CIOs in India by the IT Next Magazine....
Srinivas Kishan Anapu @ Hyderabad
itnext.in 2011-01-02  +  

Courage Under Fire

15th Dec 2010 CIO Magazine published a 5 page leadership article titled "Courage under Fire" on how ...
Srinivas Kishan Anapu @ Hyderabad
cio.in 2011-01-02  +  

The Black Swan - Book Review

Upload Image:  Nassim Nicholas Taleb has brought in a new flavor to the stands through his ...
Srinivas Kishan Anapu @ Hyderabad
thectoforum.com 2010-05-05  +  

Cloud Computing

Featured in the cover page of 21st November, 2009, CTO Forum Magazine in relation to infrastructure ...
Srinivas Kishan Anapu @ Hyderabad
thectoforum.com 2010-05-05  +  

CIO Case Study | Enterprise Application…

This case study at shows how Srinivas Kishan Anapu, VP-Enterprise IS,Mahindra Satyam used Enterprise Application to great effect. The case study will reveal Why IT controls should ...
cio.in 2010-05-05  +  

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