Il in Yasni Exposé of Paolo Gasbarri

(2349 since 24.09.2011)



Paolo Gasbarri, 58, Karate Instructor, Roma

Country: Italy, E-mail: gasba64 (at), Language: Italian
I offer: Karate
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma

14 Images of Paolo

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Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
Aug 16  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
Mar 14  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
Oct 12  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
May 12  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
May 12  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
Apr 12  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
Apr 12  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
Apr 12  +
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
Apr 12  +

31 results for Paolo Gasbarri

Open your mind...

"Open your mind and your heart will see the light ..., untie the laces tied that hold your spirit and you will be part of the universe!". (by Paolo Gasbarri 31/05/2013)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2013-06-03  +  

"your own self"

"Do not allow your body and your mind to wander aimlessly and lost in a world that does not belong to them... Be always yourself dear friend and when you feel you are not so any longer, just stop, be quiet, close your eyes, listen to your breath ..., sink deep into your heart and do not get up again until you have got back to "your own self"...!!!". (by Paolo Gasbarri 15/03/2013)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2013-03-20  +  


"Great perfection seems chipped, Yet use will not wear it out; Great fullness seems empty, Yet use will not drain it; Great straightness seems bent; Great skill seems awkward;... Great eloquence seems tongue-tied. Restlessness overcomes cold; Stillness overcomes heat. Limpid and still, One can be a leader in the empire". (Lao Tzu)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2013-02-24  +  


"He who knows others is clever; He who knows himself has discernment. He who overcomes others has force; He who overcomes himself is strong. He who knows contentment is rich; He who perseveres is a man of purpose; He who does not lose his station will endure; He who lives out his days has had a long life". (Lao Tzu)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2013-01-10  +  

My life...

"Consider the world as something light, and the spirit will not be crushed;consider myriads of things as something mild, and the mind will not be confused.Consider life as death, and the intellect will not be frightened;consider change a s immutability, and clarity will not be obscured.... The perfect men lean against a pillar, which is unshakable, they walk on a road that is never blocked, use an energy that never runs out and learn from a teacher who never dies. Whatever they do, accept their fate and go on without confusion ... Disasters, fortune, profits and damages can not disturb their mind. Those who act honestly do not fear death, let alone those who do not work at all ... Those who do not act deliberately bear no burdens. The non-acting in the world is their drum announcing wisdom.They proceed to the non-involvement. Mechanical intelligence does not affect their minds: they observe what is timeless and are not moved by things. Looking at the evolution of things, they are held close to the source, they contemplate it. Their attention is focused internally, and they contemplate fortune and misfortune in a single context.They sit unaware of doing something, walking unaware of going somewhere.They know without studying, they see without seeing, they achieve without fighting, they understand without comparing.They take the Way as their guide, when they encounter some opposition, they remain empty and open, clear and calm, and so it disappears. They onsider a thousand lives as a single evolution, they see ten thousand differences as a single thing.they have vitality, but do not exploit it, they have spirit, but do not tire it out. They adhere to the simplicity of it all and are at the center of the essence.The wise men spend their lives in peaceful serenity, without detaching from anyone and without joining anyone, they use the non-being to answer to the being and are sure to find the reason, they use emptiness to receive fullness and are sure to find the measure.They seek no one but themselves.For them everything is mysteriously the same, nothing is wrong, nothing is right.their sleep is without dreams, their knowledge is intangible, their action is formless, their peace is incorporeal.When they are present it is as if they were absent, when they are alive it is as if they were dead.They can appear and disappear instantly, they can use ghosts and spirits.Their vital and spiritual capacities elevate them to the Way, so that their vitality and spirit will expand throughout all their effectiveness without losing the source. In this way, they harmonize and produce the seasons of the heart".(LAO TZU)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2012-10-04  +  


A DREAM...There was once a man who lived in a simple house in a distant village. His life was made up of simple things, so many people respected him and loved him, but one day a great misfortune came upon him and his house, like a hurricane that suddenly comes with a merciless force, sweeps away and destroys everything that is on its way. He knew that there were no shelters for him, nor places for shelter, everyone had fled, and even if he wanted to ask for help, everyone just thought of saving their lives...He was scared, shaking and knew that soon everything would cease to exist, including him ... probably, but all of a sudden he recalled these thoughts:"Practice the non acting ...think of not doingtaste what has no tastebig littlevery littlereturns the hatred with virtuebegins what is difficult from its easy partand what is large by its smalldifficult things in the worldstart from easy onesthe great things of the worldstarting from smallFor this reason the wisenever acts as the great oneso it can fulfill his greatnesseasy is to promise difficult is to maintain itvery easy but certainly very difficult therefore the wisefinds that everything is difficultbut he is never in trouble. "Then he realized ..., cheered and accepting that condition, made a decision from the bottom of his heart... he opened the door, he arose and went with no clothes on in front of his house in the middle of the storm, sat on the floor with crossed legs saying, "I will sit here, I will not oppose the violence of the storm, I will see uprooted trees fly away, my house destroyed and maybe the debris will violently kill me, but I will get up from here ... When will all pass this violence, if I was still alive, then I will get up, maybe to start to build again. "The storm was violent, tore out everything and destroyed his home, but when everything stopped, opened his eyes and even stunned, stood up and began to walk unsteadily ...(by Paolo Gasbarri 07/09/2012)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2012-09-18  +  


My student Katia, few minutes before her competition... This is our work in our dojo! Concentration and hard training. Good work Katia."Dearest Katia, I'm really proud of you, your words represent the work we have made together in many years. I still remember when you first enter our dojo, you were only 10 years or maybe less .. now, this picture of you that I have unexpectedly taken, expresses even before your demonstration, everything you've learned from Karate Do! The road is still long and the Master is only an indicator, a road sign and nothing more… We continue to follow it all together, we continue to believe deeply in our weakness, because only through knowledge of the latter, we can grow forever ... at a time, that will never end!". 
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2012-05-23  +  


TO ALL PEOPLE WHO DECIDED TO TAKE MAJOR DECISIONS... "Dear friend, do not be afraid to leave all your assumptions..., sooner or later it will happen to you as well to be in front of the door..., stand ready, do not prevent your heart from beating like crazy and even if you can't stand up because your legs tremble with fear, scream and take a leap into the emptiness of sky..., there then you will find again in the true "meaning of life"...!". (by Paolo Gasbarri 11/05/2012) A TUTTI COLORO CHE STANNO PER PRENDERE DECISIONI IMPORTANTI... "Caro amico, non avere mai paura di abbandonare tutte le tue certezze..., prima o poi capiterà anche a te di trovarti di fronte alla porta..., si pronto, non frenare il tuo cuore che batte come impazzito e anche se le tue gambe non ce la facessero perchè tremanti dalla paura, urla e salta nel vuoto del cielo infinito, li, in quel momento, troverai di nuovo, il "vero senso della vita"...!". (by Paolo Gasbarri 11/05/2012)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2012-05-15  +  

Ray of Sunshine

Hello Ray of Sunshine, Tell me, tell me where you're from! How long way did you do to get here? Can't you see it's dark around here? You are light and here there is only light and stormy night, please come back, flee while you can, not give way to compassion..., I will be deeply sorry if you repented and crying you come back disappointed...! Maybe you're this! You are light and do not care where you will pose enlighten, because you know very well that when your field with graceful smoothness and accuracy, pierce the cold and dark clouds of the sky, you illuminate and warm anything or anyone to be beneath you. Sunbeam, I should thank you just to exist without wondering why it exists and so I want to do it. Maybe someday, when your strenght and power will be lit and heated everything and everyone around you... perhaps unwittingly, you will generated, another SUNBEAM... THANKS! Dedicated to all of you, that without meaning to, you have been, are or will be in your life, "Ray of Sunshine". (by Paolo Gasbarri 10/01/2012)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2012-01-11  +  


"Dear friend, looks beyond, not content with what you see, because it may be too simplistic for you, through your body, clear your mind, free your spirit, only then, you will approach the truth...". (by Paolo Gasbarri  23/11/2011)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2011-12-01  +  

Musical note...

" Dear friend, everybody must look inside of themselves for a musical note to play … but as long as they struggle to find it, this very note will be an unplayed one and nothing in the world, however working hard, will ever render that melody, leaving only an unbridgeable gap.!!! Look for it, never give up searching , even though it takes a lifetime...". (by Paolo Gasbarri 16/11/2011)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2011-11-28  +  

Perle ai maiali... (Pearls for pigs...)

"… Quando si fa notte nella tua vita, non perdere tempo a disperarti perchè ti senti solo o incompreso, ricordati sempre che non è la fine del tuo viaggio... Impegnati affinchè tutti sappiano che il TUO VERO VIAGGIO, è al disopra del tempo e dello spazio!!! Non lasciare che le tue lacrime scendano sul tuo viso per chi ti tratta male o ti perseguita, non ne è DEGNO, dedicagliele solo a chi ha comprensione di esse…, altrimenti sarebbe come dare PERLE PREZIOSE AI MAIALI…”. (by Paolo Gasbarri 15/10/2011)  "... When it's night in your life, do not waste time in despair because you feel lonely or misunderstood, always remember that it is not the end of your trip so that everyone knows that ... Commit YOUR TRUE JOURNEY, is above the time and space! Do not let your tears fall on your face for those who persecute you or treats you badly, is not worthy, devote these only to those who understand them ... otherwise it would be like giving PRECIOUS PEARLS FOR PIGS .... " (by Paolo Gasbarri 10/15/2011)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2011-10-17  +  

Karate Ni Sente Nashi

Paolo Gasbarri ETA': 45; INIZIO KARATE: All'età di 11 anni; STUDI: Laurea in Filosofia LINGUE: spagnolo; inglese; francese. QUALI …
12x 2011-10-06  +  

A precious comment from my student

A COMMENT FROM MY STUDENT: FABIO CALCARI  Grazie Sensei , i nostri risultati sono prima di tutto i tuoi; è importante avere una buona guida se si vuole raggiungere una meta e tu senz'altro lo sei. Spero che il nostro impegno dia a te le stesse soddisfazione che il tuo ha dato noi Oss!!   Thank you Sensei, our results are first of all your own ones; it is important you have a good guide if you want to achieve a goal and you certainly such a person. I hope that our commitment gives you the same satisfaction that you have given us! Oss! MY ANSWER Paolo Gasbarri Carissimo Fabio, sono davvero onorato per gli elevati sentimenti che mi hai e avete dedicato. So che parli, anche in  nome di tutti voi, i miei allievi più grandi. I vostri traguardi sono i miei sogni e i miei sogni, sono i vostri traguardi!!!   Il Maestro senza gli allievi non avrebbe ragion d'esistere e viceversa... Il nostro è un cammino non privo di sacrifici e la crescita di entrambi, dipende da quanto ci si doni all’altro, sia che si chiami Maestro, sia che si chiami Allievo…, ma di una cosa sono sicuro, ed è che noi tutti ci siamo “incontrati” davvero e di questo ne sono felice. Ci sono persone che in questo momento avranno invidia di noi perché ancora dopo tanti anni, non hanno trovato una loro dimensione e non si sono “incontrati” nemmeno con coloro che gli erano più vicini e magari gli volevano anche bene… Un giorno se ne renderanno conto stanne certo, come certo lo sono io, ma ormai sarà troppo tardi, perché la vita è come un batter d’occhi e ciò che rimarrà, sarà solo l’amore con cui avremo fatto le cose!!!   Dear Fabio,    I'm really honored for the warm sympathy  that you and the others  have  given to me. I know you also speak  on behalf of you all, my  greater students. Your dreams are my goals and my dreams are your goals!  A teacher  without his students would  have no reason to exist and vice versa ... Ours is a journey  that  includes sacrifices and each other’s growing  depends on how much we are willing to give each other, whether you call it teacher or student , but one thing is for sure, and we all have met and this really makes me happy. There are people who might envy us in this situation because even after such a long time they haven’t found their dimension  and have not "met" even with those who were closer  and maybe even loved them well ... One day you can be sure as I am they will  understand  how things are  but it will be  too late, because life is like a blink of an eye and what will remain is the love with which we have done things!      
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2011-09-27  +  

Filosofia di vita...

"Non importa quanto tu sia bravo nell'arte del "te" (Karate) e nei tuoi impegni scolastici, niente è più importante del tuo comportamento e della tua umanità nella vita di tutti i giorni".  (Teijunsoku Nago Oyakata 1663 illustre letterato di Okinawa)
Paolo Gasbarri @ Roma
yasni 2011-09-24  +  

Lettera di presentazione Seminario

Il Maestro è persona di grande notorietà in ambito internazionale e la sua vita spesa ... Paolo Gasbarri. P.S. Allego alcuni siti che pubblicizzano questo evento in Italia e in ...
10x 2011-09-24  +  

Karate Do Trieste " Blog Archive " 22 maggio STAGE con il M ...

Ringrazio ilPaolo Gasbarri per l'organizzazione meticolosa e per l'ospitalità che ci ha rivolto. Nella foto il gruppo dei praticanti provenienti ...
7x 2011-09-24  +  

Invalid URL: www.PaoloGasbarriKarate | Page 9 - Free Website Builder ...

Paolo Gasbarri Karate Page 9 ... slide 2. Karate (Dal quotidiano Cinque giorni) 22-23 maggio 2010
8x 2011-09-24  +  

Traditional Fighting Arts Forums • View topic - Patrick ...

22/23 May [Italy] Rome c/o Paolo Gasbarri 29/30 May [Germany] Hassloch c/o Bernd Otterstätter eotterstaetter@ …
8x 2011-09-24  +  

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