Onkar Sharma Free People Check 

( I'm Onkar Sharma)


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52 cremated, HP govt distributes relief to kin

[Indian Express] - Secretary (Transport) Onkar Sharma also visited the accident site. “The accident occurred due to overloading of the bus. There were nearly 103 to 104 people travelling in this 42-seater bus, which was also not in very good condition. The ADC's probe

Himachal Pradesh: 90 percent population in HP getting piped water

[India Education Diary] - Sh. Ghanshyam Sharma, Vice Chairman, Employees and Pensioners Welfare Board, Sh. Onkar Sharma, Secretary, I&PH and other senior leaders of State NGOs Federation and I&PH Department ministerial staff association were present on the occasion.

Sh. Onkar Sharma - Times of India

Sh. Onkar Sharma. Updated: Feb 3, 2012, 14:16 IST. +1. AA. We pay our most respectful homage with love and respect. Your pure thoughts and noble principles ...

Mandi tragedy: Probe report blames Larji Dam authorities ...

In his 93-page report, the Divisional Commissioner Onkar Sharma has alleged that the discharge of water in spillways was raised from
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