Yasni Exposé of Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi




Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi, 58, Professor of Education @ Andrews. University, Michigan

Birth name: Kucelj, Nickname: Michella, Country: United States of America, Phone: 269-471-3507, Messenger: michelle.bacchiocchi (skype), E-mail: michellb (at) andrews.edu, Language: English
I offer: Education, biofeedback, biopsychology, ecology, global networking, spirituality, Croatia.
Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi @ Andrews. University, Michigan

3 Images of Michelle Kucelj

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Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi @ Michigan
May 09  +
Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi @ Michigan
May 09  +
Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi @ Michigan
May 09  +

2 results for Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi


I am very happy to hear from u Michelle Kucetj Bacchiocchi.Write further details abt.u....
Sita Ram Dhiman @ Bilaspur H.P.
yasni 2009-06-07  +  

Welcome to Yasni!

My name is Michelle Bacchiocchi, I am a professor at a small university in Michigan, where I teac...
Michelle Kucelj Bacchiocchi @ Michigan
yasni 2009-05-12  +  

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