Family in Yasni Exposé of Lauren Hayes

(275 since 17.08.2012)



Lauren Hayes, 53, Web Administration & Analytics @ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA

Birth name: Lauren Hayes, Nickname: lilydalelah, Country: United States of America, Language: English
I offer: A fervor and commitment to my work and pursuit of ongoing continued-education on own time. I had genuine interest and found my work intrinsically rewarding well beyond just a paycheck. Some organizations/systems do not value this type of worker, and mediocrity is preferred. I found out the hard way. The job I once loved is now a great loss. I assumed the job was secure due to my solid qualifications and consistent performance, accomplishments, business value, and respectful compliance. It was also a critical need. I had an excellent employment record and delivered results beyond expectation. I've now learned that sometimes excellent work performance is not rewarded. In fact, it can yield a polar opposite of what one might expect as an overzealous enthusiastic employee. I believe there are good employers who will recognize an retain good employees. Others perhaps are too far removed to see an all-too-common practice of ousting employees who care and are loyal is simply bad for business.
Lauren Hayes @ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA

10 Images of Lauren

1 - 9 from 10
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Aug 12  +
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Apr 13  +
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Apr 13  +
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Nov 12  +
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Nov 12  +
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Nov 12  +
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Nov 12  +
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Sept 12  1
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
Sept 12  1

11 results for Lauren Hayes

from Lauren Hayes' "" bio -

The past year I've been ill and more diagnostics and treatment to go. Hasn't been fun. I love the outdoors, hiking, travel; normally do trips 2x/year; now not since Spring 2010. Goal is to do these things I love again soon, and to get well. I'd been a dedicated, capable, web/IT professional. I loved my job. My work was also an interest, so I was happy to work hard, to learn more etc. It was fulfilling and a source of enjoyment. I miss that. After 10yrs I had to resign Aug 2012. Had follow-ups/diagnostics scheduled; surgery to occur, and health to prioritize. I remain fortunate in many ways despite tough times now. Deric is a loving, committed life-partner & best friend. He's a good, honest and selfless person who cares deeply for me. I'm also now closer with my family, especially my mom. Real friends emerged and stuck by me. Others showed true colors and took off. There is always a silver lining. I usually find it, but I will always search for it. Note: I'm the REAL lilydalelah. Please don't confuse the impersonator/stalker who launched smear campaign starting Mar 2011. My username had been unique for 12 yrs but now hijacked, often including my legal name, applicable keywords, real personal data mixed with garbage to create lies that appear to be me (a horrible fictitous version, that is). Deric is smeared via his real name. Tactics may change or escalate with time. Smear-campaign is a disturbed poser who projects own issues on us; she works a malicious vendetta and refuses to move on. All who know us will see there's clear distinction: we have scruples, honest, ethical lifestyles. We're educated IT professionals. If content doesn't reflect that, it's not us. We didn't go crazy, become mean, turn into morons etc. We don't engage in disgusting, tasteless behavior, watch porn, or harbor sordid secrets. We're a happily-monogamous couple who respect and love each other. We don't cheat, lie, or behave in arrogant ways. We don't post grotesque body-part comments (if need ever arose, we'd be discreet; blatant is smears for disgust-factor). We're nice people; never mean or selfish. If content from "us" seems to fall into those categories, or seem "off", it's likely smears. I need to get well now so I must ignore it; but it's damaging/dangerous. I can use help. Please contact us if content of us found seems suspicious. Thanks. Lauren aka: Lilydalelah
Lauren Hayes @ Harrisburg, PA
yasni 2012-11-23  +  

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Lauren Hayes @ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA

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