Vadodara in Yasni Exposé of Hardik

(27 since 26.12.2013)



hardik, 123 @ abc, vadodara

Nickname: Howdy, Country: India, Language: English

1 result about hardik

Homoeo Clinic in Vadodara HM010BRD

Dr. Khatri’s Homoeo Clinic, Vadodara HM010BRD I, Dr. S.S.Khatri. in homeopathic system of medicine is serving people at Clinic in since more than 15 years. I work with a mission to provide positive health to all through homeopathy. Address: 1st Floor, Masjid Shopping Centre, Kadak Bazar, Sayajigunj, Vadodara (GUJARAT) Time: 10:30 AM To 2.30 PM, Tell :( 265)2363063 M: 9376225822 I Assuered Treatment for all acute and chronic diseases : Gastric complaints: Indigestion, acidity, constipation, piles, fissure, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis. Skeletal system: Knee pain, joint pains, cervical spondylitis, backache, sciatica, gout, ganglion, muscle pains, corns, callosities, frozen shoulder. Skin- Hair fall, Urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, pimples, dandruff, fungal infection, nail infections. Respiratory complaints: Allergic cold, Asthma, cough, recurrent cold, sinus complaints, tonsillitis. Female - Menses and menopause related complains, leucorrhoea, urinary tract infection. Children-Teething trouble, bedwetting, loss of appetite, recurrent cold, earache, tonsillitis, constipation, learning troubles. Male - Premature ejaculation, prostate, decrease sexual desire. Stress induced ailments : fatigue, sleeplessness, headache (migraine), indigestion to hypertension, asthma, endocrine problems. Depression, irritability, anxiety, lack of confidence, exam related problems, headache, thyroid complaints, renal stone. Reactions:
yasni 2013-12-26  +  

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