Morinda in Yasni Exposé of Gena Zhuravlev

(1683 since 11.06.2012)



Gena Zhuravlev, Zhuravlev business @ TNI, Peterburg

Birth name: Zhuravlev, Nickname: Zhuravlev, Country: Russian Federation, Language: English
I offer: The immune system, nutritional communities, world leader, Monaco, France, Kona, Hawaii, Maui, Hawaii, Tahiti and New York City, my business that chance
Gena Zhuravlev @ TNI , Peterburg

6 Images of Gena

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Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
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Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
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Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
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Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
July 12  +
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
July 12  +
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
July 12  +

58 results for Gena Zhuravlev

Gena Тоник +79218727461

Корректирующий тоник Корректирующий тоник Для всех типов кожиОсвежает и подготавливает кожуЗащита от вредного воздействия окружающей средыТаитянцы использовали листья нони для приготовления различных средств улучшающих внешний вид кожи. Корректирующий тоник прекрасно успокаивает, корректирует кожу, даёт антиоксидантную защиту и освежает её с помощью фито-нутриентов. Содержит необходимыекомпоненты для здоровья кожи, такие как масло какао и таитянский базилик Снимает раздражение и подготавливает кожу Способ использования: применять утром и вечером после очищения кожи; нанесите (средство) на ватный диск и протрите лицо. Избегайте контакта с глазами. Если состав попадает в глаза, тщательно промойте их водой. Хранить в прохладном, сухом месте.Состав: вода, лаурат полиглицерила-3, плодовый сок нони (Morinda citrifolia), сок из листьев нони (Morinda citrifolia), экстракт из листьев нони (Morinda citrifolia), масло семян нони (Morinda citrifolia), экстракт красных водорослей (Pikea robusta), экстракт листьев базилика (Ocimum basilicum), экстракт бурых водорослей (Macrocystis pyrifera), масло семяналександрийского лавра (Calophyllum inophyllum), сок плодов кокосового дерева (Cocos nucifera), масло орехов кукуи (Aleurites moluccana), масло орехов  
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-08-19  +  

Gena Noni лосьен

Лосьон для тела натуральный Лосьон для тела натуральный Skin Supplement Original Lotion Увлажняет и смягчает кожу Кожа является первой «линией обороны» организма. Обеспечьте Вашего защитника питанием, которое он заслуживает. Формула Лосьона содержит уникальный ингредиент, который содержится только в продукции Tahitian Noni®, это масло из семян нони. Лосьон прекрасно впитывается, увлажняет и питает кожу, подходит для всей семьи, а также не содержит ароматических отдушек. В состав лосьона входит 40% сока нони. 200 мл Способ использования: нанести обильное количество лосьона на тело и массировать. Идеально подходит для использования после душа или ванны, идеально подходит для всей семьи. Он помогает Вашей коже сохранять ее драгоценную естественную влажность, уменьшает сухость, помогая коже оставаться мягкой. Хранить в прохладном, сухом месте.Noni Seed OilHydrates and softens while protecting skin with valuable antioxidants. Noni JuiceProvides antioxidants and helps purify skin. Palm OilDelivers vitamins A and E to skin. Sweet Almond OilMoisturizes and conditions the skin, particularly dry areas. Shea ButterProvides rich moisture and protects skin against environmental irritations. Coconut OilHelps protect the skin and adds light moisture. Skin Supplement Original Ingredients:Deionized Water (Aqua), Morinda citrifolia(Noni) Fruit Juice, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Elaeisguineensis (Palm) Oil, Prunus amygdalus dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Butyrospermum parkii (Shea Butter), Cocos nucifera Oil, Cetearyl Glucoside, Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Seed Oil, Gardenia tahitensis Flower, Vitis vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Retinyl Palmitate, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Potassium Sorbate, Tetrasodium EDTA, Fragrance.Состав: вода, цетеариловый спирт, сок нони (Morinda citriforlia), глицерин, миндальное масло (Prunus amygdalus dulcus), пальмовое масло (Elaeis guineensis), масло ши (Butyrospermum parkii), кокосовое масло (Cocos nucifera), цетеариловый глюкозид, масло семян нони (Morinda citrifolia), цветки Гардении таитянской (Gardenia Tahitensis), экстракт виноградных косточек (Vitis vinifera), токоферил ацетат (витамин Е), аскорбил пальмитат, ретинил пальмитат, ксантановая камедь, феноксиэтанол, калий сорбат, тринартиевая соль ЭДТК, каприлил гликоль  
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-08-08  +  

Gena Noni Шампунь для волос – укрепление и восстановление

Шампунь для волос – укрепление и восстановление Шампунь для волос – укрепление и восстановлениеMoéa® Strength & Rejuvenate Shampoo Шампунь очищает тонкие, ломкие и сухие волосы и кожу головы с помощью входящих в него соканони, экстрактов авапухи и ананаса, а другие ботанические экстракты возвращают волосам упругость и блеск.Сок нони – очищение и источник антиоксидантовМасло семян нони – увлажнение и питаниеЭкстракт ананаса – очищениеЭкстракт авапухи – кондиционирование и смягчениеПротеины риса – укрепление и кондиционированиеПротеины сои – укрепление и кондиционированиеЭктракт красных водорослей – защитаПантенол – укрепление Все средства для волос серии Moéa® не содержат парабенов и сульфатов Способ использования: небольшое количество шампуня нанести на влажные волосы, промыть волосы и смыть. При необходимости повторить процедуру. После обработки волос шампунем рекомендуется наносить кондиционер.Хранить в прохладном, сухом месте.Состав: вода, децил гликозид, лаурол саркоцинат натрия, кокамидопропил гидрокси султаин (ПАВ), кокамидопропилбетаин, сок нони (Morinda citrifolia), кокамид MIPA (N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-алкиламид), динатрий лаурат сульфосукцинат, динатрий лаурил сульфосукцинат, аромат, масло семян нони (Morinda citrifolia), гидролизованные протеины риса, гидролизованные протеины сои, кокосовое масло (Cocos nucifera), пантетин, пантенол, фитантриол, цветки таитянской гардени (Gardenia tahitensis), экстракт красных водорослей (Pikea robusta – Red Algae), экстракт корней авапухи (Hedychium coronarium), экстракт плода лайма настоящего (Citrus aurantifolia), экстракт инжира (Ficus Carica), экстракт ананаса (Ananas sativus), экстракт папайи (Carica papaya), лимонная кислота, бутиленгликоль, катионная гидроксицеллюлоза
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-08-05  +  

Gena Noni бальзам для губ

Бальзам для губ с SPF 15 – ягодный Бальзам для губ с SPF 15 – ягодный Noni Lip Balm – Berry Увлажнение и защитаОказывает продолжительное увлажняющее действие и защищает губы от вредного воздействия солнца и ветра. Идеально подходит для всей семьи. Состав: масло семян клещевины обыкновенной (Ricinus communis), озокерит, гидрогенезированное касторовое масло, этилгексил метоксициннамат, канделильский воск (Euphorbia cerifera), олеат сорбитана, бензофенон-3, аромат (отдушка), масло ши (Butyrospermum parkii), масло семян нони(Morinda citrifolia), масло семян кукуи (Aleurites moluccana), масло семян ореха макадамии (Macadamia integrifolia), натрия сахаринат, феноксиэтанол, масло сладкого миндаля (Prunus amygdalus dulcis), ментол, камфора, токоферил ацетат.Объём 4.2 г.
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-08-05  +  

Gena Noni бальзам

Бальзам для губ с SPF 15 – натуральный Бальзам для губ с SPF 15 – натуральный (со вкусом ванили) Noni Lip Balm – Original Увлажнение и защита Оказывает продолжительное увлажняющее действие и защищает губы от вредного воздействия солнца и ветра. Идеально подходит для всей семьи. Состав: масло семян клещевины обыкновенной (Ricinus communis), озокерит, гидрогенезированное касторовое масло, этилгексил метоксициннамат, канделильский воск (Euphorbia cerifera), олеат сорбитана, бензофенон-3, аромат (отдушка), масло ши (Butyrospermum parkii), масло семян нони(Morinda citrifolia), масло семян кукуи (Aleurites moluccana), масло семян ореха макадамии (Macadamia integrifolia), натрия сахаринат, феноксиэтанол, масло сладкого миндаля (Prunus amygdalus dulcis), ментол, камфора, токоферил ацетат, токоферол (витамин Е),Объем: 4.2г
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-07-24  +  

Gena Noni1Шампунь для волос – увлажнение и гладкость Шампунь для волос – увлажнение и гладкость Шампунь для волос – увлажнение и гладкость Moéa® Smooth & Hydrate Shampoo Отлично промывает густые, толстые, кудрявые волосы. Волосы становятся гладкими иблестящими.Сок нони – очищение и источник антиоксидантовМасло семян нони – увлажнение и питаниеЭкстракт авапухи – кондиционирование и смягчениеПротеины риса – укрепление и кондиционированиеЭкстракт корня таро – источник аминокислот и полисахаридов, способствующих увлажнению волос и кожи головыПантенол – укрепление Все средства для волос серии Moéa® не содержат парабенов и сульфатов Способ использования: небольшое количество шампуня нанести на влажные волосы, промыть волосы и смыть. При необходимости повторить процедуру. После обработки волос шампунем рекомендуется наносить кондиционер. Хранить в прохладном, сухом месте.Состав: вода, децил гликозид, лаурол саркоцинат натрия, кокамидопропил гидрокси султаин (ПАВ), кокамидопропилбетаин, сок нони (Morinda citrifolia), кокамид MIPA (N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-алкиламид), динатрий лаурат сульфосукцинат, динатрий лаурил сульфосукцинат, аромат, масло семян нони (Morinda citrifolia), катионный триаминный комплекс с гидролизованными протеинами риса, пантенол, кокосовое масло (Cocos nucifera), цветки таитянской гардени (Gardenia tahitensis), экстракт красных водорослей (Pikea robusta – Red Algae), экстракт цветков плюмерии красной (Plumeria rubra), экстракт корня таро (Colocasia antiquorum), экстракт семян кукуи (Aleurities moluccana), экстракт корней авапухи (Hedychium coronarium), экстракт мыльнянки лекарственной (Saponaria officinalis), порошок жемчуга, лимонная кислота, морская соль, катионная гидроксицеллюлоза (Polyquaternium-10), глицерин, дистеарат гликоля, глюкозид кокоса, глицерил олеат, глицерил стеарат, бутиленгликоль, метилизотиазолинон, сорбат калия, нартиевая соль EDTA Объем: 350 мл
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-07-15  +  

Gena Noni About Me I am a mother of five and a grandmother to 13. I am passionate about family history and love to ski--although I'm not very good at it. When I was seventeen, I became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints... yes I'm About Me I am a mother of five and a grandmother to 13. I am passionate about family history and love to ski--although I'm not very good at it. When I was seventeen, I became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints... yes I'm a Mormon. It has changed my life for the better. It has given my life meaning and purpose. The church has given me opportunities to develop many talents and skills in music, teaching, leadership and drama through their many programs. I have been able to raise my children with faith, purpose and solidarity. My Story As long as I have known about skin care, I have always used quality skin care products. Recently, I started using the Defy Biotopicals. After I started using them, I almost immediately noticed a difference in the texture of my skin. It felt great! And, although I have some wrinkles, I love the way my skin feels now! People say I don't look like I'm 65 and I'm beginning to believe them! The Morinda products have not only benefited me, but my family as well. Not long after Morinda Bioactives was introduced in Australia, our family started using its products. At the time, one of my grandchildren, only a toddler, spilled some near boiling water on his body. My daughter in-law called one of my others sons who was involved with the company and asked him what to do. He told her to saturate a cloth with some of the Thrive Adaptogenics and put it over the burn. My grandchild started to calm down when she did this and went to sleep without too much discomfort. About 20-30 minutes later, my son went to check on the burn, and instead of finding blisters, the skin had started to go back to its normal color and improve considerably. This may seem like a small experience to some, but it was a powerful one for us.
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-07-03  +  


О НОНИ Нони - жемчужина Полинезии. (Продукт сертифицирован в России) Долгое время мудрость тихоокеанских народов игнорировалась западным миром. И только в конце 20 века интерес к этому начал все больше возрастать. Сегодня изучающие все «новое» или лучше сказать «забытое старое» в области народной медицины, открывают неизвестные сокровища в бесконечно богатом растительном мире тропиков. Во время исследований лекарственных растений на островах Французской Полинезии нам встретилась драгоценная жемчужина – «НОНИ» (MORINDA CITRIFOLIA)! «NONI» – это название получил плод Morinda Citrifolia с легкой руки гавайских аборигенов. Под этим названием его узнал весь мир. Другие названия. Это вечнозеленое растение произрастает в Полинезии, Малайзии, Австралии, Индии и Юго-Восточной Азии. Его размеры могут колебаться от небольшого кустарника до дерева высотой 6 – 7 метров. Растение имеет темно-зеленые блестящие листья овальной формы. Благодаря своей лечебной и питательной ценности Morinda citrifolia считается «королевой» среди 80 других видов, принадлежащих к семейству Rubiaceae Старого света. Плодоносит круглый год. На одной ветви одновременно зреют плоды и цветут цветы. Дерево «Нони» является уже исключительным потому, что оно практически не подверждено болезням и нашествиям паразитов, что делает его настоящим долгожителем. Вероятно, поэтому велика и исцеляющая сила «Нони», которую дерево передает людям и животным. Зачастую «Нони» произрастает вблизи застывших потоков лавы, которая обычно насыщенна различными питательными компонентами, оказывающими благотворное влияние на растительный мир Полинезийских островов.
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-07-02  +  


СОК НОНИ. Сок TAHITIAN NONI®   Известно, что фрукты и овощи полезны. Однако существуют растения, которые каким-то невероятным образом могут положительно влиять на общее состояние человека. Именно таким растением является noni, из плодов которого получают сок нони. Название этого растения Цитрусолистная Моринда (Morinda citrifolia). Это растение можно встретить и в Африке, и в Азии, в Австралии, Индии.На сегодняшний день сертифицированная продукция, прошедшая все виды контроля, производится только из полинезийского noni и носит название Тahitian Noni®, и эта марка является гарантией качества. Компания TNI была основана в 1996 году. Все время своего существования она ведет научную работу и является обладателем глубоких знаний о самом фрукте, листьях и семенах растения. Компанией, была создана научная лаборатория по изучению этого растения, чьей целью являются исследования новых путей его использования
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-25  +  

Gena story1

I am a Bioactivist: Chris Manning About Me I'm married to an awesome, fun, and gorgeous woman with whom I have two beautiful daughters. We love getting out and experiencing our community and state, and hope to expand that to the entire world someday. I am a passionate photographer; who loves to capture the world and people around me. I love to run, and I am aspiring to compete in an Ironman triathlon one day. My Story I've worked with Morinda Bioactives since 2004. So, I've been exposed to the amazing bioactives for a long time. Unfortunately, for a long time, I've taken them for granted. After our first daughter was born, I put on a lot of weight. I just couldn't find energy or motivation to exercise, and I was turning to food instead for my endorphins. When the FIT Body Composition System was released, I decided it was time to do something about my health. I started taking the products and working out daily; and started seeing results immediately. I lost 20 pounds of body fat, four pants sizes, and gained a lot of muscle definition. In addition to that, I stopped waking up sore and tired, and have experienced a huge increase in energy. That alone has made me a Bioactivist for life! Most recently, I had an incredible experience at our recent leadership convention. I had spent many late nights editing videos prior to the event as well as during the event. I was exhausted on the last day of the convention due to long days of filming video, and sleepless nights of editing. I was literally falling asleep behind the camera during my last few interviews. I took a short break and ran down to the Morinda Bioactives store where they were handing out samples of our new product, Max. After a few minutes, I had a new wave of energy. This wasn't the buzzy, energy drink kind of energy; but a new, refreshed, clap your hands together and get to work kind of energy. This energy boost sustained me for the rest of the evening, and until I got home that night at around midnight. Max and the Thrive Adaptogenics beverages really work!
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-21  +  

Gena story

About Me University of Minnesota Alumni and Member of the All Big-Ten Team in 2007 Top Middle Blocker in Puerto Rico Professional Volleyball League in 2009 and 2010 Bronze Medalist at the 2011 Pan-American Games My Story I have been playing volleyball for a very long time. It has been almost 18 years. Over the years, I have had my fair share of injuries, surgeries (knee and shoulder), and pain. I have worked really hard in trying to regain the health of my body. I am lucky enough to have a before and after experience from taking the Morinda Bioactive Beverages. In the summer of 2011, I was invited to come and train with the USA Women's National Volleyball team to fight for a spot on a roster. At that time, I was still suffering from the following ailments: Tendonitis in my right knee and right Achilles, periodic back spasms, and recurring headaches. I also had a really hard time recovering from practice and weight lifting. For an athlete, recovery is the most important component of your health and at the USA gym it doesn't matter if you played great on Monday if you performed poorly on Friday. Quick recovery is key. During my two weeks at the USA gym I was extremely stressed out and exhausted. I ended up getting sick because my body's immune system was so down. This obviously did not help me practice any better. I did not make a roster during those two weeks and I know if I would have been healthier and my body able to adapt and recover from the intense training I would have been able to make a roster. The bottom line is that my body was NOT having it! I ached all over. I was taking four Advil before practice to just get through our warm-up sessions. I was mentally drained and physically exhausted. When I got word I could return home in hopes of returning to compete for a spot on the Pan-American roster I was actually relieved. I was in so much pain and I was exhausted. I mentioned before I would suffer from reoccurring headaches. I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them! I ate almost perfectly, got massages, and ceased all forms of caffeine. Nothing worked! While I was back at home in Minnesota, I attended the Minnesota State Fair and was introduced to Morinda Bioactives and its Bioactive Beverages by Dayle Maloney and John Morgan. I began using the product and after only two weeks of taking the Original and Extra Bioactive Beverages, I realized that I had only had one headache! After that I KNEW this drink would be in my life for a very long time! In the middle of September I received an email from the assistant coach for the USA National Team. The coach informed me that I had been chosen for the Pan-American roster and I was to return to the training center for three weeks of training before the Games on October 10, 2011. I was headed to California and I was pretty nervous about going through practice and waking up in the immense amount of pain I was in earlier in the summer. After the first week of practice; I actually still wanted to go to practice! My body felt AMAZING!!! After 15 hours of intense practice and 5 hours of weight lifting I still felt brand new! My body was recovering faster than I ever thought imaginable! I know that the Noni helped me recover because I wasn't doing anything else different, simply taking the Bioactive Beverages! After practice I would feel tired and sore like usual but the next morning I felt 100%! This feeling is absolutely priceless to an athlete. In the USA volleyball gym, everyone is pretty close in talent (everyone is great). But what separates the players is their ability to be at their best the longest and that usually directly correlates with who can stay the healthiest! Today, tendonitis in my body has decreased immensely and my recovery time has been cut in half. I feel the exact same twelve hours after practice that I do when I have a full day off. I talk to a lot of my teammates from Team USA and the majority of them have expressed interest in the Bioactive Beverages. I completely believe in the Original and Extra Bioactive Beverages and their ability to change lives and open doors for people. I want to positively affect other people's lives and these products give me another avenue to do so. You need to try these products. It could be the difference maker in shaving a couple of seconds of your sprint time. It could increase your level of play. Or, it could be the difference between making the USA Pan-American team and winning a bronze medal or sitting at home and watching the Games on TV!
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-20  +  


My Story When I was 5 years old, my dad was introduced to the Tahitian Noni juice. At that time, I suffered with one of the worst cases of Eczema. I began to drink the juice and within 7 days, I felt I had some major improvement in my health.This company, now Morinda Bioactives, is my life. It is my family. It is my home! I can not imagine being anywhere else... I am not going anywhere else! I have traveled to Hawaii four different times, visited Monaco, France, California, and Las Vegas to name a few places. Oh and yes, I can't foget about that AWESOME Caribbean cruise! What other company can provide this for a teenager? Morinda Bioactives... YOU ROCK! Next year I'll be 18 years old so WATCH OUT!
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-19  +  


I am one of Australia's top short track speed skaters and recently switched my focus to cycling. I won a silver medal at the World Cup event in Keirin. My Story I cannot express how much Thrive Adaptogenics Original has helped me as an athlete. After tearing my anterior cruciate ligament in late 2004, my chances of qualifying for the Olympic Games were slim. Thankfully, I was introduced to Thrive Original and after drinking the product for a month, my recovery was astounding. I recovered in half the time it would have normally taken. I not only qualified for the Olympics; but I was also able to achieve a Top 15 global ranking. I take a bottle of Thrive Original with me everywhere. I've found it helps my immune system as I travel between the heat of Australia and the frigid cold of Europe. I have found that my strength, speed, and endurance have improved as a result of drinking this beverage. I just can't say enough! Morinda Bioactives and the Thrive Adaptogenics Original are helping me stay healthy and on top!” List of Emily's Accomplishments 2006 Winter Olympic Games, Turin, Italy 12th overall in the 1000m at the 2006 Olympics 25th overall in the 1500m at the 2006 Olympics Ranked 13th in the world after 4/4 World Cups 1st overall in the Winter Olympic Trials, Sydney, Australia 2009 Silver at the recent world cup in the Keirin event
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-18  +  


My Story I am a Bioactivist because I feel like helping others. The Thrive Adaptogenics have helped me in my life and now I want to share it with others. At the end of 2009, just as I was beginning to really take off with my Morinda business, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Even though I was not at 100% health-wise, I had to stay busy and stay focused on my business. I always stayed focused on the “why” I was doing this business. My “why” reason was my three children. I was a single parent and the Tahitian Noni business was going to help my second son pay for his college tuition. During my treatments, I would spend my time prospecting at every chance I could. The reason I was able to keep working my business while undergoing radiation treatments was because of my team and upline. My sponsor, Keasha Trawick, always helped me when I wasn't able to do things and took over on projects when I needed her to. My sponsor and my team have always supported me. One of my most successful business stories since my treatments involves the Morinda Million promotion. With this promotion, I just started conversations with brand new people about the importance of achieving 500 points in volume. Now, they all have that mindset and want to reach the Morinda Million bonus as well. In one month I had helped seven other people qualify for the Morinda Million bonus and in two months I had enrolled 16 different people with the company. If I had any advice for other distributors, it would be to follow the steps that have been put in place to generate business. Be coachable!
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-17  +  

Gena Non3

My Story My daughter is known around the office as the Noni baby and now the noni girl because she says she is not a baby anymore. The reason for this is because when she was 5-years old, I had no baby sitter while my wife was going to Beautician school at night. So on the nights I held my Morinda business meetings night it was hard to do without having any distractions as I would have her along with me. The sweet thing about the whole story is that Abigail was never a distraction any of the meetings. It was like she understood what dad was doing there!! That went on for 3 years and now she talks about how good Morinda is when her classmates get a cold or when she hears her teachers cough!! I love it! Since starting up with Morinda Bioactives 3 years ago, I have to say that i wish i was lucky enough to start with the company when it first opened up as in 1996. I'm thrilled to say that I attended my first ILC in 2012. It is a great thrill knowing that i was there when the company changed its name to Morinda Bioactives. I will be taking part in the company's rebirth. I will be there for the re-birth of Morinda!! Yea Man! I just cant wait. I love the new products & training we received and I excited to use them & share them with others. I too felt a rebirth in myself after i left Salt Lake City to come back home to New York. I was blown away. What a fantastic company. It's compensation plan,customer service & wonderful leaders are great. I have been blessed to know & associate with everyone at Morinda Bioactives. See you all at the top!
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-15  +  

Gena Noni2

About Me I am Vera Hall. I'm an ordained Elder, Campus Minister, mother, daughter and sibling. I enjoy writing, reading and cooking. I am an inspiring author and work with college students on a frequent basis at HBCU. My Story I started using Morinda Bioactives in January 2012. After three years of trying to regain energy and lose additional weight, I decided to give the FIT products a try and now I am hooked for life! My friends are also using the products now and so are my family members. Morinda Bioactives and its products have changed my life! The products changed my life in a way that I am more energized and feel great about myself and the clothes I wear. I am excited by the business opportunity as well. The opportunity to share the bioactives with others, especially college students, really excites me. I have several college students using the product and their lives have been transformed. I am grateful that I can be an agent of change in people's lives. I am ready to share bioactives with everyone so that their lives can be transformed just like mine is being transformed.
Gena Zhuravlev @ Peterburg
yasni 2012-06-13  +  

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Gena Zhuravlev @ TNI , Peterburg

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