Tirana in Yasni Exposé of Fejzulla Gjabri

(629 since 11.10.2010)



Fejzulla Gjabri, 74, Folklorist @ Ministria e Kultures, Tirana

Homepage: yahoo.it
Birth name: Fejzulla, Nickname: fejzagjabri, Country: Albania, Language: English
I offer: Information for Epic of the province of Luma           Information about the Heroic EPOS in the Province of Dr. Fejzulla Gjabri, National Center of Folk Activities,                                                                                     Tirana Content short. This paper has reviewed the current situation in the river Brave songs, based on research made at the 20-th century and first decade of the 21 century's. In the first set of field research, Jackson, making a comparison and some villages around it, as in Has and Dibra. Published songs are recorded and collected in areas of Luma, some singers with lute toolkit, as older archetype, or with other tools later. For the preparation of this paper have been used to date publications, surveys, direct talks with popular artists, as well as reports from collaborators and colleagues, with a view to argue cycle of heroes and the presence of a lute in the river and its surroundings. Entry Songs are generally cultur
Fejzulla Gjabri @ Ministria e Kultures, Tirana

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Fejzulla Gjabri @ Tirana
Sept 11  +

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Personalitet  shumëdimenional në shërbim të kombit shqiptar Hafiz Dalliu në dimension tjetër Edhe pse  nuk pwrkon me 5 a 10 vjetor, e meriton të shkruhet në ccdo kohë. Koha e vështirë Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliu është një personalitet që ka kontribut të çmuar në kulturën tonë kombëtare dhe ka hyrë në historinë e kësaj kulture si personalitet i kompletuar. Kjo falë veprimtarisë së tij shumëplanëshe: atdhetare, letrare, luftëtare etj. Me përkushtrim e sakrificë punoi për gjuhën e arsimin shqip, për ngritjen e ndërgjegjes kombëtare në kohë të vështira siç ishin fundi i shek.19-të e fillimi i shek. a0-të.  Lindi në Tiranë më 1878 në një familje me tradita fetare dhe mësimet e para i mori në vendlindje. Formimin teologjik e përvetësoi në Turqi, si një talent me prirje filozofike. Dega e legjislacionit islam, që ndoqi, e paisi me dije në fushën e filozofisë, të retorikës, të historisë etj. Fusha e Tofsirit i dha mundësinë e interpretimit në shqip të Kuranit famëlartë. Njohja dhe lidhja me Murat Toptanin i dha mundësinë që të njihet me rilinës të tjerë të dëgjuar dhe t’i hyjë në gjak çështja e çlirimit kombëtar, që nuk iu nda deri në fund të jetës. Mësues Pa mbarimit të studimeve, kthehet në atdhe dhe fillon punën në shkollën e parë shqipe të Tiranës, që drejtohej nga Filip Ashiku. Sapo kishte filluar shekulli i a0-të dhe Hafiz Dalliu është ndër intelektualët më aktivë, që luftonin me të gjitha mënyrat për Shqipërinë e mvehtësishme. Si shumë rilindas, mendonte se shkolla ishte ajo që përgatiste njerëz të aftë për mvehtësinë. Me ndihmën e patrotëve tiranas hap shkollën e vajzave dhe më 1909 është delegat në Kongresin e Elbasanit për problemet e arsimit. Po në ketë vit është ndër nismëtarët e hapjes së Normales së Ebasanit, ku ishtë ndër mësuesit e parë të kësaj shkolle. Vite më vonë është mësues dhe drejtues në Medresen e Tiranës. Luftëtar me armë në dorë Si pak intelektualë, në vitet e ekspeditave turke(1909-1911) merr pjësë në çetën e Sarisaltikut, që drejtohej nga Abdi Toptani. Kjo ndërmarrje e tij vjen pas vuajtjeve ndër burgjet e Turqisë, perandori në shthurje, por e shfaqur me mjaft egërsi ndër shqiptarë. Hafiz Dalliu është ndër oganizatorët e ngritjes së Flamurit kombëtar më a6 nëntor 191a në qytetin e Tiranës dhe të përcjelljes së delegatëve për në Kuvendin e Vlorës. Ditën e ngritjes së Flamurit në sheshin e Tiranës qytetarët e pranishëm lëshuan thirrjet: Rroftë Hafizi, rroftë Shqipnia! Pas Shpalljes së Pavarësisë Hafiz Dalliun e gjejmë gjithnjë në krah të intelektualëve të emancipuar e , ndoshta për ketë, është cilësuar si “hoxha liberal”. Në lëmin politik aspiron për një qeverisje perendimore, ku duket se përkrahu Princ Vidin më 191q. Më 1918 është anëtar i Komitetit “Mbrojtja Kombëtare” të Kosovës dhe në vitet 19a1-az në lëvizjen politike kombëtare mban anën e demokratëve. Njihet si publicist i kohës dhe drejtues i gazetës “Dajti” e Xhoka”, në të cilat propogandon kulturën tonë kombëtarë dhe zhvillimet politike të kohës. Pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore është organizator dhe anëtar i Lidhjes së Shkrimtarëve të Shqipërisë. Pas këtij akti të lartë në organizimin e letërsisë dhe artit tonë kombëtar, vjen akti i paprecident: dënimi i tij. Ai që fundja shkriu jetën dhe shpirtin për idealet kombëtare dhe demokratike, e pësoi me totura ndër burgje si dikur. Veçse atëhere ishte i ri dhe i përballoi, ndërsa në afrimin e të 70-ave, e pati edhe më të veshtirë. Vdes në vitin 1951. Kjo është një pjesë e rezumesë së jetës së vështirë të Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliut. Vepra krijuese Parë në krijimtarinë dhe veprën që la pas, Hafizi del në disa plane a rrafshe: Publicistikë, Satirë, Monografi dhe teolog i përmasave të mëdha me 15 libra të fesë dhe edukatës islame. Janë të rrallë teologë të tillë, që shfaqin njohuritë e përgjithme me një euridicion të tillë. Dimensionet e veprës së tij jënë të përmasave të medha. Synimi i këtij shkrimi është të vë në dukje një nga këto dimensione: Kulturën shpirtërore popullore. Mbledhës dhe botues i mendësive dhe praktikave popullore Nga gjithë vepra e tij, ndryshe flet kontributi i një hoxhe në lëmin e kulturës popullore. Në ketë fushë ai është jo thjeshtë mbledhës, por reagues i aftë i realitetit, mendësinë dhe praktikave popullore. Ai vë në shërbim të kësaj kulture, njohuritë e tij filozofike për jetën, për zakonet, doket dhe traditat e popullit tonë, veçanërisht të trevës së Tiranës. Dalliu është mbledhës i figurave mitike të besimeve të popullit tonë, të cilat i analizon dhe i përkufizon sipas atij mendimi e pastaj i çmitizon. Ndër këto figura janë: Ariu, korbi, sorra, mokthi, pëlhura, kuçedra, Shënreu, nana e votrës, judi, laura, tërana, peria, shtriga etj. Shumica e këtyre figurave dhe të tjera si këto janë të shoqëruara me legjendën metamorfizuese apo me ndodhinë e një këndi tjetër, që më pas i çmitizon. Për ilustrim po shënijmë disa prej tyre, ashtu siç i ka botuar në dis organe shtypi të kohës së tij. Për ariun: “Ndodhi kështu: Dy vetë ishin nuna. Sa ishin p martuar e kaluan shumë mirë. Hynin e dilnin te njani tjetri si te vllau. Si u mrtuan, njani prej ktyne nunave preku për të keq gruen e nunit vet. Nga kjo nuni u ba ari. Kur t’takosh n’ari, thuej: O ari, o ri, mos më nga se jam njeri, kshtu ke qenë edhe ti! Ariu nuk të nget, po s’e ngave”. Për korbin shkruan: “I dha Krijuesi korbit nji fije bari me ia dhanë njeriut, me qëllim që ta hajë e të bahet prap i ri. Korbi te ardhë udhës qindron në nji pemë dhe aty kishte nodhë nji gjarpën. E rren gjarpni korbin e i mban fijen e barit. Sot gjarpni ndrron lëkurë e jo njeriu. Zoti e mallkon korbin për gabimin që bani, te i thanë: T’dalshin tri vrima n’grykë e t’mos pish uji, veç tri ditë në gusht. Kshtu u ba. Kur ban korbi krra-krra, njerzit thonë: Hansh veten e ... “. Ng besimet popullore, Dalliu shënon Tërnën, si sëmundje që vjen nga moskujdesja në çdo punë e mosrespektimi i vendeve të shejta, duke dhënë dhe rrugët, sips mendësisë popullore, për shërimin e saj. Dalliu shkruan se njeriu merr Të ranën kur shkel thërmia buke nën strhë, kur nuk respekton tyrben etj. Për ketë shënon ndodhinë e shërimit të kësaj sëmundje nga Shehu i Tabkëve. Me interes janë disa  lutje për shërimin e sëmundjeve, ng të cilt shkëpusim: “O mal i Dajtit, o xhymer kasap, o Sari Salltek, o Sulejman Pashë, o Dervish Hatixhe! Merrnja t’ligat e këtij (përmendet emri i të sëmurit) e çonia ku s’këndon as gjel, as pulë, ku s’nget ka e plur, ku s’bij bar e gjeth! Çmitizimi Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliu, si njeri i ditur, erdhe pse i mblodhi dhe i botoi, diti edhe t’i mitiojë. Për ketë shkruan: “Ato s’i pranon gjykimi, s’kanë lidhje me fenë, po u zumë besë nga shkaku se si i kemi dëgjuar, i kemi gjetë nga të parët”. Në ketë mënyrë Dalliu hyn në shpirtin e popullit, me synimin të japë vlerën ideale dhe reale të këtij shpirti, duke peshur e ndarë të mirën nga e keqja. Për një nga figurat  e lokale e pak të dëgjuara, siç është Pëlhura, sqaron: “’ka shpirt. I del përpara njeriut e i ze rrugën. Shfaqet si plep i bardhë që zgjatet ngadalë. Luftohet duke u shpuar me thikë... Edhe kanë ba lojna me Pëlhurën. Psh, Hasani i Qafëmollës, të cilit agaj i Bylykut....” (jep veprimet e tij me një pëlhurë për ta trembur) Siç shihet në vlerësim Dalliu jep figurën mitike dhe e çmition atë. Dyshimin në këto figura e argumenton me vetë ndodhinë, siç është rasti me Laurën. Pasi jep cilësitë e saj si “kafshë e keqe, rri knetave, ka britmë të keqe....”, jep shembullin ku Laura s’ishte gjë tjetër, veçse një qen i zgjebosur, që kujiste duke u kruajtur”. Ketë thonë e zbuloi Ahmet Agë Bixhi, në mëhallë të re, në një natë dimni. Pra, e bën çmitizimin me shembull konkret, duke u zbuluar “sekretin”. Kundër “syut të keq”, ashtu siç e k dëgjuar, shënon: “Plakat thonë: Plaçin sytë e këqinj,/Dalshin n’det të zi,/Deti turbullue,/Djali u ftillue,/Si ari, si xhani,/Si hirra, si tamli”/. Që në fillim i quan “fjalë plakash”, po që kanë dhënë shejë, kanë ba derman. Dalliu është njohës i mirë i traditave dhe zakoneve të popullit të vet. Pikërisht kjo del së pari e më së miri tek monografia “Patriotizma në Tiranë”, ku ngre lart e vlerëson disa prej patriotëve tiranas. Duke përshkruar qëndresën e paepur të të parëve dhe bashkëkohësve të vet, jep atë traditë, atë virtut të shqiptarëve, ku nuk mungojnë përshkrimet deri në soditjen e e orendive shtëpijake, me shprehjet popullore në përshkrim rrugësh e rrugicash. Diku do të japë edhe të traditë të hershme të dasmës , konkretisht: ”nusja kur është hala në shpi të prindëve, i këndon një plakë, i lyen durt (i ve kanën)...”.  Duke parë vargjet e këngëve të shënura, duket se u ngjajnë këngëve humoristike të dasmave, ku palët e krushqve lavdërojnë e shajnë me vargje njëra tjetrën.. Për dasmën jep të dhëna etnografike, që mund të bëhen objekt i një punimi të veccantë. Për lindjen e fëmijës dhe vënien e emrit “Kur len fmija .. e mbështjellin në shpërganin që e kanë ba me leshin e tri deleve të zeza ..., i shpojnë njanin vesh e shtien nji vath sermi, shumë herë në kamë nji bylyzik hekri, pastaj e ccesin foshnjën në vramë (udhë) e me cilindo qi hasin herën e parë, i lutën ati me ia qeth n’tri vene t’kresë flokët. ata flokë i ruen e ama. Asaj fmie i ngjisin nji emën përkohësisht: Mal apo Rrap e mbas dyzet ditësh i vejnë emnin e vet. Tri ditë mbasi len fmia, bajnë nji bukvale (ambëlsinë me miell, sheqer, t’lyn e ve), marrin nji flori dhe e bojnë shuk me nji copë t’bukvales dhe, kur e sjellin n’sofër, ia venë përpara nanës së nuses, ose në mos pastë, nji grue t’fisit nuses. Kjo grue merr sukun dhe ia jep nuses(nanës së fëmijës) dhe i thotë nji emën. Gjithë zonjat prezent thonë: “E gëzoftë!” .... Kur smunet nji fëmijë thuhet: “... e marrin foshnjen e smun palkat dhe e ccojn n’ ndonji lum o bregut pellgut dhe thonë: -O .... , jani merrni tujin e bini tonin! Vetë ato largohen ndej di minuta e fohnjen e lan n’bregt. Pastaj shkojn e e marrin.” Diku flet për Hanën e punët që bëhen sipas saj etj. Shumë nga këto praktikime popullore, edhe pse i shënon, u thotë “punë plakash”. Interesant janw edhe ritet e varrimit, të punës e të tjera rite me intere për etnologjin tonë, pasi pak oe aspak i lidh me fenë, për të cilën ishte i përgatitur.  Në ketë mënyrë, ai mbetet, veccse drejtues i fesë Islame, Hafiz, edhe nw njw dimension tjetwr: etnolog dhe folklorist, një mbledhës, njohws, studiues dhe reflektues i kulturës popullore.    
Fejzulla Gjabri @ Tirana
yasni 2014-05-18  +  

Information for Epic of the province of Luma

Information for Epic of the province of Luma bravemen Information about the Heroic EPOS in the Province of Luma   Dr. Fejzulla Gjabri, National Center of Folk Activities, Tirana   Content short. This paper has reviewed the current situation in the river Brave songs, based on research made at the 20-th century and first decade of the 21 century's. In the first set of field research, Jackson, making a comparison and some villages around it, as in Has and Dibra. Published songs are recorded and collected in areas of Luma, some singers with lute toolkit, as older archetype, or with other tools later. For the preparation of this paper have been used to date publications, surveys, direct talks with popular artists, as well as reports from collaborators and colleagues, with a view to argue cycle of heroes and the presence of a lute in the river and its surroundings. Entry Songs are generally cultural value. Albanian culture, primarily due to traditional spiritual research done centuries ago to the present day, gives the appearance of an ethnic culture developed significantly. This culture has done best of all social functions in the synchronization of the nation and its identity. It is known that without spiritual culture would not have a nation, we will not even land Albanian territories. In argument, I repeat to cut journey of King Zog in Himara in the '30s, when Himara in meeting with the King's request: First help for publishing on the disks of some songs of their ancestors, and secondly, the asked to be given autonomy. He accepts the first request for a second and say that they would consider collegially. It was published in Paris and songs, when some representatives go to get songs published, among them neco Muka * recall request for autonomy. Bird gets gramophone and puts them ahead to hear the songs. There were songs that had sung themselves and their ancestors. All were Classifieds and says: "Ndigjoni songs. If they talk like me and you, are the songs we are Albanian and Albanian. " That was enough to leave Himara Albanians. (1) With the right researchers have defined a culture, folklore, traditional, face, voice and ear of the nation. Legendary epic, as the earliest artistic creativity has taken root in every corner of the Albanian lands. Field of research Searching is done in the province of Luma. At least until now, Jackson is not regarded as the province's epic set in the cycle of Halit Muj. As a whole epic creativity with all kinds of it is actually quite rich and active, and a part of this wealth is collected and treated in a volume ** and from time to time in print. Jackson was first documented in the late th century (1571 -1591), as the Sandzak nahije Dukagjini. In sh. XVII mentions F. White as the easternmost limit of Catholic dioçezës Sapa (Zadrima) (2). While Hahn has recorded the first version of the Luma province takes its name from the stream of Luma. He notes: "The valley of the river is even the main part of all this territory, which in our opinion, all this about is named for him, that of the valley ..." (3). Thus, the name of the province of Luma is associated with apelativin 'river' (the river-, river-a) and this comes from lat. Flumen, according to G. Meyer, whom he quoted Çabej: "Type the name for a stream that geo-ethnographical province is a local creation of the" river "(em.) and this from latin apelitivi" flumen "(G. Meyer), or a form of influence of the plural, as a sum of singularizuar, ... "(4). Jackson as a province bordered by the suburbs ethnographic ethnographic: Has (V, E), Malziu, Fanny and Oroshi (p), the M'Ujë Reçi of m'Uja (j), Reka, Opoja Gora (l), Vërrini of Prizren (v). Geographically limited: in the north with the river of Poslishtit; in the South with Veleshica brook, the Black Drin River, Pass of the brook Drajës mallest; the East boundary runs from the tip of Koritnik, in Kallabak, Korab in the fall through the river Veleshica Black Dri; in the West. Jackson goes to the Mount of Zepa, the Pass of Komi, the Surroj Truellin, Kalimash brook; the VP, thence bounded by Drin United (now Lake Fierza) (5) Social organization has been made in cases pleqësi and general organization (like wars), with bajrak. Jackson had 7 bajrak: Bajrak of Rrafshës (with Bajraktari in Bicaj), Bajrak of Tejdrines (Bajraktari in Ujmisht and then Domaj), Bajrak the neck (with baraktar Bushtrice sex in the village), the temper Bajrak (Bajraktari in sand- Kalis), Bajrak of Radomirës (Bajraktari in Tejs), Bajrak of Çajës (Bajraktari in the Countryside), Bajrak of Topojan (Bajraktari in Brekijë). Organization of the latter on the basis of these bajrak was made in 1912, in Kolesjanit neck battle in the war against the Serbs. (6) Popular spiritual creativity (verbal, koreografiko-musical) is quite rich and distinct from other surrounding areas. Ballads dominate, and song lyrics womanly historical dances are known as kolloçojat men, gishtm'gishtja, krahem'krahja, shkrepza other. From the musical highlight pique, qiftelia, Curl's toys, etc. Bishnica. It is said by scholars that the "lack of heroes and lahuta cycle" (*), which are presented in this essay. Development A. Has and Jackson are two ethnographic area, which is associated not only geographical neighborhood, but a common history and the state administration, which, almost a century have in common. Before World War II and Has Jackson were in n / Prefecture of Kosovo, then in a circle and now in a circuit. Speaking to the spiritual heritage, folk festivals have developed and the developing part of a joint group, which gets the values ​​of popular art are together. Another cultural impact between Luma and Has there been since 1960 the population of the area and the town of Krumës Has the inhabitants lumjanë, who were employed in farm Krumës along with their families. One of those people said: "We love Has songs, but we can not sing like them" *. Having separated from Epic, cycle of songs of Muj Halili, is currently present in Has, while there are only trace stream. In Debar track of this cycle are even more frustrated. Precisely, given this finding, we want to do an assessment of the presence of poetry and prose epic legendary tracks highlighting the Muj and Halil cycle, and the manner of interpreting the musical or otherwise, the traces of a lute, for arrive at a conclusion. As to the legendary songs and ballads, but Muj cycle of Halili, the stream have been and are present today. Rights issue in every village and folklore are identified *. 2a. The basis of this paper are the authors lumjanë publications, which provide sufficient information on the status of these songs. Among these publications are: volume "epic legendary district of Kukes, (7), Volume" dri, dri o "(8), F.Gjabri, Tirana, 2000," Qamil Hoxha, the life and works ", Sh.Hoxha, T.2009; "time paths", I.Halili, T.2010: Manuscripts from S.Dida (9); Notice Brahes Elez in 1936, that "there are heroes song, which unfortunately is fade ...". (10). Recently, it informs us Prof.dr.Zymer Neziri researcher at the Albert Llordit Collection at Harvard, is a set of songs collected by collaborator Qamil Hoxha, from Luma. (11) Certainly not just these publications, as part of them in the press and folklore volumes "Visare the Nation 'etc..   2b. Summary "epic legendary district of Kukes", published in 1983, the ratio of epic songs Has-stream is 80 to 5, where the entrance, Sh.Hoxha author says: Luma is poorer with the songs of heroes, where they Muj cycle of Halili are quite lurid "(12). However, the author has given us a valuable material for the richness of this heritage, as in River Has. The very word 'epic', the title of the volume set is the plural of pashquar, indicating that not all epic lumjane. From this volume of song lyrics seleksionojmë Luma: "We have Plaki what former" - Topojan; "Jemin old daughters of Ages" - Kollovoz, "Halili small break," Hasan Aga's new giant killing "- Novosej," Sister releases GG of blasphemous "- Kalis, daughters of Ferat Kralin Pasha kills" - Place-Bushtrice. (13) In addition to these texts of the songs are recorded and 7 legendary stories in prose, as Arnaut Osmani, "Ali Bajraktari", "Halili Minor del n'mejdan Maxharri", "Muja save Halili", "Halili kralin expects" and " End of heroes "(14). If the poems have differences in content and characters, in fiction, the characters are related or even identical to those of the Muj and Halil cycle. In the publication "dri, dri o", published in 2000, are a group of legends in prose associated with the Mujin Halili and the other heroes. Mujin cycle only are these stories: "The strength of Muj", "Veni, where wedding guests were shituen", "Where hupi Muja" and "craft APIN UHA". The story "Where hupi Muja", shows the emergence and use of weapons with the conclusion: "Behold me here in the mountains hupi Muja. Strike down the country and ban boom-boom, which shows no gap down "(Brekijë). * (Dri, dri o, F.Gjabri, T.2000, Information provided by these stories, about a life based on folk songs for heroes. More complete information about the heroes songs apart Muj cycle of Halili on stream, we find in the A.Llord Collection at Harvard. Relying on An indication of Mr. Neziri for this collection, the researcher I.Halili marks: "In Bicaj, A.Lordi through Qamili (Hoxha), met a well-known singers Cycle heroes, Dalip Ramadan, from which he heard and recorded only 57 verses. ... Llordi expressed gratitude for this and other singers and lahutarë ... ". * (Trails of the time, I.Halili, T. 2010, f.171). So, by this notice, the songs of Muj and Halili, and other songs accompanied by lute heroes were present in the stream. However, it should be expected to emerge in light of all material published A.Llordit, to have songs Brave lumjanë holders.   2c The survey contained several short questions as: List the titles of songs and ç'vegla musical heroes are singing; Make a song and who sings, who has been lute at home and has received any other particular, as stories in prose etc. Some questions answered by former employees of the culture, my friends, teachers etc.. From Brekija answered two people, two of Topojan, two Ujmishti and Meritorious Teacher Halilaj Isa. Some of their data will be entered in the material. From the survey it appears there kreshnkësh and other songs, like "boy only gets hold", dedicated to a boy who, when growing "goes towers kralit enters, takes his daughter and lives in the mountains of Mdhoja" (break). Or has the song closer to the historical epic, but there are aspects legend, extending his hand 10 feet, grab the throat kralin "(Villa) -15, etc.).   3. Scope of songs within Luma Songs are in some villages, which represented approximately all provinces. They are located in the south of the village Kalis to Nange in North and east of Kollozovi Topojan in the villages of both sides of the Black Drin, Villa and Sin (Debar). In Kollovoz: Fort m'ish old Aga-e are, / And shkrujke ni :/ Maxharri Felike paper "Thou art chi Jemin Aga Aga / no n'mejdan you for the m'dalë, / no whit Santa-mindful of the gave it "(16), where ranges overlap with those of George Elez Alia. With Halili cycle, is to a song ngjajshmëria gathered in the village hack. Quote: "... How quickly krali has announced: that all n'mejdan Out, / Tomorrow depends Halili xhallë '/ ..., concluding: "... that these jobs are Krali che ban, / sword they just washes" ( 17). A wider pretense legendary prose.   4. Traces of a lute and interpretation In FK festival preparations, Gjirokastra 1978, in competition within the district of Dibra was praqitën two lahutarë by Sina (Lower Dibra, left the Black Drin). From the data presented Saban Xhajku (1947-2010), employee culture in Bishop, says: "They just participated in the festival district and was not classified in Gjirokastra. Lahutarët were Pashnjari and Halit Krashi Rustem. The two tribes from Sina early. "(18) In the village Ujmisht (stream), family Destan Halili, has been shown that the lute. Lute has been in Countryside Village (Gryk-break-nahije of Luma) family possess, that came and sang Mehmet strike. Also, local festivals are presented by Topojan lahutarët Sefa Myrta, Milaim Baftjari and Dani from Lojmja Rahim (Dollovisht, nahije of Luma). All three singers sing with lute in the years 1950-1960. Until recent years, the family of Xhemali Izet in Topojan, lahuta kept hanging on the wall. Heroes and singing songs with his brother Jahe sede Rahman Rahman (Mhole-Bicaj), used in weddings and Lute. In Bicaj songs are sung heroes in the years 1930-1940 by Sadiq Noor and Dalip Rahman. (19) When asked for Lute, say: "We have one of the first", explaining that the lute sang songs of their ancestors. 4a. Interpretation of the song is heard no musical instruments and occasionally in between verses of bihej ney. This way is found to break the family Brenolli when singer Imer Brenolli Dali (50 years old, since 1981) sang the song "Halili Minor", after a few verses of the fall pipe. Kalis is also heard in the accompaniment with Çifteli. (20) Most songs are accompanied Çifteli Karanxha by Brave brothers Topojan in 70-80 years. In songs: New Aga Hasan Balozin kills "have sung with Çifteli in 1978, in preparation for the festival stage. (21)   4b. Recitative in rural interpretation of Luma, according to respondents, "ndigjohet tightly and only rarely in people with school. JATA recited Latif had worked in the region of Djakovica, Officer Bird. I remember some verses that often thojte: Fort shniste it is the little sun is hot, / Bash had qillue dimini day, / They have taken clude track warriors, / took the clude Track n'krajli, / bash pëmrena kralit with hi / ..., the other question that I will remember not felt "- says the indicator. (22) Other cases are heard reciting "... o when there were no tools, o when kërkojshin sitting "(23),   4c. Stories usually heard after the song odash environments. When the song is sung, questions emerge from those who have not understood, then the message is not received in the appropriate amount from its provider. So begins the story in prose. Cause to be telling in prose and discussions made in environments consisting of different areas. "Grandfather showed very early that people have had me stronger. Muja Thojte that have had very strong, but had met with patllake njeir Nji and said it Xhit bone? I mean it to penetrate. Bane n'dorë test subject! - Muja says. Hand be large enough body, was taken slightly out of Jaca. Muja said:-Here's my local S'paskem hupi n'gjeshkë. Here's just gat stone father, is to lie down with dagger tightly, ban boom-boom, as you have vacant Where no ". (24)   5. Finally, based on these findings, sharing gives Kemal Haxhihasani areas, in which Jackson entered the area? Kemal Haxhihasani Epikologu known, Luma defines as the area "... where have depërtue a heap of elements from the area northeast of the proper region or neighborhood" and classifies the second area, section c (eastern area), the side area of ​​genuine calls The right side of the Drin (Drin United-F.GJ). Quote: "The provinces on the right of the river (River Drin), with the exception of the pit villages of Shkodra Region, the genuine form of cilklit of heroes. There elements of this cycle known as an ancient indigenous heritage ... "25) I think the tracks from the songs of heroes Month Halil, the lute, relative to their current situation, we can say we have a shift from 'active area' of the songs in "zone archive '. This is: a. Plenty tribes in oral stories appear to have come from areas active today. Thus in half of the municipality Kalis 'are Berisha' Gender in Bushtrice tribe, came from Has, * (author's note). Hasa tribe in the cottage, said to nip at Villa bone that has come from Has, Dervish tribe (within Peposhit) to ask the village comes from Berisha * (L.Dokuzi, "The truth about Lusnën", T.2006, f.26 ) and many other tribes in other river, said to come from the Highland of Gjakova and beyond. Also where the bed came the songs found heroes, after reportedly "have left us the first" and not "those who brought us came '*. b. In the opinion of many scholars and political leaders after World War II, there existed the opinion that 'in the river there's Halili Muj song especially sung with lute'. For this 'reason' are not allowed to leave the national song festivals such the lahuta, as noted above.   Conclusion   In this paper brought examples to prove that the stream has the Epic songs of heroes, there are traces of Halili Muj cycle, even though they are rare. They no longer practiced as songs, but, as to prove their existence once brought into prose in narrative form. Prose legendary and their variant Muj cycle of Halili practiced on special occasions like: when you can not use musical instruments (such as toys and curl), qiftelia other utensils, such as the accumulation in cases of friendship, death or in memory. In this kind of creative folk, distinguished three main features of this genre: epizmi, heroic spirit and legjendariteti. For ancientness legendary songs and stories, intermediaries (carriers) to say: "Are Kosgunit time" (25), giving the idea of ​​an indefinitely great precocity (26). For this would go better Çabej ascertainment, which means that for songs such as "Time, the old medium did, it would not be possible to set ever." (27) Traces of a lute are visible in some villages, which indicates that it has been a musical instrument in use in the stream. It is now just hanging on the wall or just the stories and the heirs of its users. 30-40 years before, when he tried to stand on the stages of festivals, is avoided with the claim that "it is our tradition." Where it is found, the successors in all cases not say "the father or grandfather brought from thence" (28). That there has been talk in the village and village lahutëpunues, who nowadays are living in Buzëmadhe (villages in the gorge-break, the river), but not proved by concrete names. On the basis of data consulted, it seems that the songs of heroes until recently (at least until the '60-20th century) have become folklore in some areas is the Luma, and now make only archival life.     ---------------   References   *. Neco Muka, himariot, singer and poet known and popular in Himara further. A. According to conversation with Lefter E.Rukës membrane (since 2008). **. Volume prepared by Sh.Hoxha, "epic legendary district of Kukes", T. 1983, almanacs and magazines, publications, Culture Palace, Kukes. 2. Realacione II, fq.345. 3. Hahn, "For people Reise Sun Gabiete Vardar Und Des cascade" Vien, fq.80) 4. Etymological studies, vëll.1) 5. (See Sh.Hoxha, "bajrak the Luma ', T. 2001). 6.Po there, 7. Sh.Hoxha, "legendary epic from the district of Kukes", T. 1983 8. F.Gjabri, "dri, dri o", T.2000 9. Elez Braha, "Darsma the stream, T.2008 (the" Darsma the stream, T.2008) newspaper published in Bucharest in "Ylliria" in three numbers) (In "Darsma the stream, T.2008) newspaper published in Bucharest in "Ylliria" in three numbers) 10. Manuscripts from S.Dida, Personal Archive 11. Albanological Research, folklore and ethnology, 38, Pristina, 2009, p. 142) 12. Quote, Moving 13. Quote from fq.155-177 14. Ibid, p. 182-2001 15. Personal archive) 16. Quote p. 159 17. Quote, f.167 18. Sh.Xhajku shown by Bishop, employee culture, age 63, year 2010 19. The data are taken from Isa Distinguished Teaching Halili, Bicaj, aged 76 20. Survey: Saban Shira 90 years, Gështej Kalis, 2009 21. Proof of E.Allarajt, employee culture in the years 1975-90 in Kukes 22.Treguar Xhetan JATA, the year 2008, aged 65. Latif JATA, Xhetanit uncle, born 1883 and died in 1978, and familiar with several languages. In 1915 there was a translator in Vienna in a delegation with leaders of northern Albania. Served in the military military duty at the time of Bird's and after World War II has important tasks, as n / mayor's director of agricultural enterprises in Kukes) 23. On the book "dri, dri o", Tirana, 2000, p. 15 24. Shown in 1982 by S.Bresa, Buzmadhe, aged 60, noted in his dissertation on the topic: F. Gjabri, "In the legends of the Black Drin", T. 2006) 25. Kosguni, according to French researchers Zhenep, "has penetrated the East with its legends to Europe". On the relation between figure and a figure that Zanes gives strength from breast milk, says: "In a distant journey a young man takes up a hunger and egrese (përçudshme soul). She had thrown over the shoulders and breasts bluante grain. ... Son drink right and filled breasts. And thanks, and she says: You drunk my breasts will become strong ... ". Zhenep says that such variants have been detected in several regions of the East ...., Egypt, Constantinople, but also in Albania .... (Gennep, "La formation des legendes", Paris 1901, p.50).   26 Notes to the author 27. E.Çabej, "On the genesis of Albanian literature", SGj, V, f.122 28. Notes the author
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