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The Available Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

To be clear we can talk about erectile dysfunction when someone fails to complete sexual intercourse for at least 6 months - even though it happens sometimes," says Paul Smith, Urology-Andrology. In this case it is necessary to visit a specialist after specific tests can find the best treatment. Do you think you're too young to go to Andrologist? Wrong. Today 20% of those visitors are from 18-30. What is the common characteristic?Nicotine is now known to narrow those vital blood vessels – which is why ED is much commoner in smokers. But often, there is nothing physically wrong with men who develop. Psychological impotence is where erection or penetration fails due to thoughts or feelings (psychological reasons) rather than physical impossibility; this is somewhat less frequent but often can be helped. Notably in psychological impotence, there is a strong response to placebo treatment. Erectile dysfunction, tied closely as it is about ideas of physical well being, can have severe psychological consequences.Common physical causes include:• Diabetes• Smoking• Being obese and out-of-condition• Side-effects of certain drugs, notably ones for blood pressure and depression• Effects of recreational drugs.• Hypertension (high blood pressure)• Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)• Stress, anxiety or depression• Fatigue• Brain or spinal-cord injuriesErectile Dysfunction is a vascular disease that can be caused by several other vascular or circulation related diseases. Some such diseases that may contribute in causing Erectile Dysfunction are Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Diseases and other related diseases. Certain neurological factors like neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, trauma to the pelvic area, spinal cord or brain injuries, prostate surgeries etc may also cause the same.Apart from these certain other diseases such as hormone disorders, kidney diseases, atherosclerosis and side effects of certain medicines (for instance, antidepressants, appetite suppressers, blood pressure medicines etc) may also be held responsible for causing Erectile Dysfunction.How is erectile dysfunction treated?Treatment depends on the cause of the ED. For instance, psychological causes may require:• commonsense advice to one or both partners• relationship counselling• counselling• psychotherapyErectile dysfunction TreatmentMost doctors would like to see a mixture of treatment approaches - lifestyle changes such as stopping smoking, losing the excess pounds, and increasing one's level of bodily activity may be enough for a man to get his erection back.Of course, reducing any instruction or non-prescription drugs that may have a role in erectile dysfunction is necessary. Most useful, though, for the preponderance of men is sexual psychotherapy.Viegra is a very helpful medication, and in the moderately small number of cases where this does not work, vacuum cylinders and pumps, or surgically implanted inflatable devices, may be used.You may be interested in reading Erectile Dysfunction Medicine and Penile Erectile Dysfunction. Also read more Impotence Supplements
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-04-19  +  

How to Deal with Upset Stomach Problems

The stomach has the capability to create its own acid that is needed in breaking down foods and also aids in the overall digestion in the body. Any cause of imbalance –whether deficit or excess acids—could definitely cause health problems. When the level of the stomach acid becomes higher or lower than the needed amount, this could result to having a burning sensation and discomfort in the stomach, gastritis and gastric ulcers. Hypochlorhydria is the term for having lower level of gastric acid and achlorhydria as to when the stomach cannot produce or produces no acid at all.Sometimes just understanding the problem doesn't necessarily mean that you can correct it that easily, especially if it's a condition that you're trying to treat and still have not quite fixed. In order to cure bad breath from stomach problems without being able to fix those problems, you need to make sure that you're following a good program of proper oral hygiene. Never neglect brushing and flossing, and of course rinsing afterwards.• Chronic heartburn is a serious ailment. If it is not treated carefully then it could develop into a condition that in extreme circumstances could be life threatening. Find out why following a completely natural treatment for chronic heartburn has important benefits that could eventually lead to a totally heartburn free life.• Don't suffer in pain anymore. If you have ever wondered what kind of diet you should be on if you have Hiatus Hernia then you need to firstly know what foods to avoid.• If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD you might consider making some modifications to your habits to reduce it. This article will tell you the easy things that you can do to heal your GERD fast!• Looking for the most effective eczema cure? This article will help you to find the most suitable eczema cure to support you towards a full recuperation.Chronic heartburn is a serious ailment. If it is not treated carefully then it could develop into a condition that in extreme circumstances could be life threatening. Find out why following a completely natural treatment for chronic heartburn has important benefits that could eventually lead to a totally heartburn free life.• Okay, I know you aren't seven anymore, but somehow even without the option of running to "Mommy" with a "tummy ache," you still end up with crazy discomfort in your stomach, maybe more frequently than you really think it should happen. However, the difference is that now you know where such things come from and can take control of the problem, right? Or if you don't, there's always this article.• One of the really frequent irritants out there is pepper. Both red pepper and black pepper can be a problem, so be careful. Pay attention to spices and spicy foods. They aren't a problem for some people, but they can drive other stomachs crazy.• Fatty foods are a really big pain to digest. If you've been having problems, try to switch to things that are easy on the stomach - lean meats and other proteins, grains, etc.• Not all vegetables are kind to your stomach. Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage can all be problematic, especially if you've having problems with gas or other stomach issues. Same goes for fruits, especially apples and melons.• Beans aren't as big an issue as you think - you just have to make sure to cook them correctly. If you're cooking them from a can, rinse them in fresh water before you cook them. If you're soaking them and cooking them the next day, drain off the old water and cook them in fresh water to cut back on the gas problems later.Read about Home Remedies for Acidity. And Indigestion Treatment Find herbal remedies for stomach problem
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-04-15  +  

Detoxify Your Body with Colon Cleanser

Over time different toxins (whether they are those produced by the body or those from the external environment, go deeper and deeper into the tissues. It may be at this point that you start to feel not so good. It might be at this point that you take yourself off to the doctor, who may tell you everything is normal. This is because changes are taking place at a sub-clinical level and it is only when the toxins are so deeply imbedded that they produce pathologies that can be measured by your doctor.Obviously as a preventative health practitioner, I do not want you to progress to that point.To get the real story on how well your liver is functioning, I recommend that my clients have a Liver Function Test. This should not be confused with the liver blood tests (LFT’s) that medical practitioners perform – these are more a measurement of liver damage. When there is liver damage, certain enzymes are produced by the liver cells and that is what is being measured by a medical liver function test.For detoxification treatments used are herbs, which tend to be organ-specific in natural detoxification treatment purpose, like kidneys, liver, thyroid or other organs. Herbal remedies have been used effectively for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The active ingredients are alkaloids or organic compounds that alter the metabolism of the body in the most system-friendly way. Herbs have a therapeutic effect as natural detoxification treatment because they either adjust the body's healing mechanism or stimulate a cleansing reaction.Herbs work in alignment with the body, rarely causing side effects. Chemical medicines ignore the body's natural balance, often resulting in side effects and depositing toxic chemicals that can stay lodged in the tissues for years, causing deterioration of cell metabolism. Medicines are notorious for their side effects, stimulating healing in one area of the body while having a negative effect on the whole system. Natural detoxification treatment can help overcome this problem.There are also many methods for performing a total body detoxification as well. One of the methods includes digesting raw juices and foods throughout the day or week that you have planned your detoxification method. For example, there are plenty of healthy juices that one can buy in natural and organic health food stores, however, the best way to ensure that one is getting totally natural ingredients is the purchase them at regular grocery stores. By taking natural celery, spinach, broccoli, carrots, as well as different spices of one's choosing, these ingredients and healthy foods should be combined in a blender to make natural juices. Fruit and vegetable juices, without the aid of any sweeteners like sugar, are the only types of juices that one should ingest during a detoxification.You may be interested in reading Digestion and Stomach Problems and Gas Problem Remedy. If you want read more Herbal Constipation Remedy
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-04-15  +  

What is the Ideal Climate for Asthma Patients

You might not comprehend what asthma is. Bronchial asthma is really an attack on the bronchial tree. The muscles become infected in the airways and cause a restriction for the oxygen to be qualified to get through.Most bronchial asthma symptoms are wheezing, shortness or breath, tightening of the chest, and coughing. There are medications that can be taken to assist clear the airways such as inhalers, and mobilizing machines second-hand with medication to breathe over. Both of these can gaping up the airways. You may possess to watch your diet as allergies to foods can also cause various of these bronchial asthma symptoms.Symptoms of Asthma• Coughing: Cough may be the only symptom of asthma, especially in cases of exercise-induced or nocturnal asthma. Cough due to nocturnal asthma (nighttime asthma) usually occurs during the early hours of morning, from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. Usually, the child doesn't cough anything up so there is no phlegm or mucus. Also, coughing may occur with wheezing.• Chest tightness: The child may feel like the chest is tight or won't expand when breathing in, or there may be pain in the chest with or without other symptoms of asthma, especially in exercise-induced or nocturnal asthma.• Other symptoms: Infants or young children may have a history of cough or lung infections (bronchitis) or pneumonia. Children with asthma may get coughs every time they get a cold. Most children with chronic or recurrent bronchitis have asthma.What are the environmental factors?The most common factor and most common irritant in the environment is dust. This substance is everywhere thus making it hard for those irritated by it to stay well near it. This is the worst culprit of all. Asthmatics should avoid dusty places because of the breathing problems associated with it.It's important to limit the exposure to it but it is important to remember that preventions should be taken into accordance with the person's sensitivity.It is wise, for those who have a major allergy to dust to install a specialized cleaning unit. Those who sensitivities are not that bad... a regular cleaning schedule should be kept.Natural remedies vs. asthma medicationsAccording to health experts, medications used to relieve or manage asthma symptoms are mostly steroids based and can lead to several new illnesses, whereas, remedies that contains only natural elements can effectively control asthma, but without the harmful side effects that these prescription drugs contains. So what's the big deal about using natural treatments versus prescription drugs for asthma? Now you already know.Exercises and fasting: - Following the laws of nature as and for asthma home remedy is very vital. Air, sun and water are proven to be great healing agents. Correct posture, light exercises, dry climate, fresh air, breathing exercises, regular fasting once a week and occasional enema can do a great deal in treating the disease.Vitamins and diet: - Make it a point to include vitamin C, E and magnesium supplements in your daily meal to help in fighting the negative effects of harmful free radicals that is brought about by asthma attacks. Your daily meal should also include foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce lung inflammation.There are many articles online about bronchitis, and often bronchitis natural treatment.I hope that you found these tips useful, as it was very interesting digging out accurate information about bronchitis - especially as there is often a lot of low quality stuff out there!You may be interested in reading Home Remedies for Asthma and Home Remedies for Common Cold. If you want read more Home Remedies for Cough
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-04-15  +  

Glaucoma Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment

There are mainly two types of glaucoma: acute angle-closure glaucoma and chronic or primary open-angel glaucoma. Chronic glaucoma has no obvious symptoms during its process of decreasing your peripheral vision. The result is that you can only see objects straight ahead. Unlike primary open-angle glaucoma, another form of open-angle glaucoma has normal IOP level, which is called normal-tension glaucoma. This type of glaucoma has no other different features with primary open-angle glaucoma. Also called narrow angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma brings unexpected symptoms such as eye pain, headaches, halos, red eye etc... These symptoms appear in certain periods.In order to save your eyesight, all types of glaucoma need to be detected and treated early. However, there is a form of glaucoma that must be treated immediately and constitutes a medical emergency. It is called angle closure glaucoma or acute angle glaucoma, and it can cause a very rapid increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) quickly causing damage to the optic nerve and vision loss.Angle closure glaucoma does produce noticeable symptoms that can include:• Nausea and/or vomiting• Vision loss• Seeing halos around lights• Headaches• Eye painCommon GlaucomaThe most common type of glaucoma is primary open angle glaucoma.Fluid that is produced inside the eye must have a way to escape or the pressure inside of your eye builds up, damaging the optic nerve. This fluid normally exits through a part of the eye called the open angle. In primary open angle glaucoma the open angle slowly gets clogged and the fluid cannot drain out.If your vision has already failed, laser surgery will not help in restoring your vision. However, it will help in preventing further loss of your eyesight. Glaucoma is a progressive disease which will eventually lead to blindness. If not treated soon enough, it will lead to complete blindness.During the treatment process, patients will see flashes of colored light and may feel a stinging sensation. A special type of contact lens may be used in order to help direct the laser beam towards the correct part of your eyes. Patients are usually able to resume their normal activities the day after laser treatment; although it may take up to 4 weeks before the pressure in your eyes completely drop.Glaucoma TreatmentGlaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be treated and managed to prevent vision loss.The first line of treatment for most patients is the use of special eye drops that keep IOP down to a safe level. There are several different types of drops available. Some work by helping the fluid drain in various ways. Others reduce the production of fluid inside the eye.Glaucoma can also be treated with surgery that helps the eye drain. There are several types of surgery and they help the eye drain in different ways. Again, the goal is to reduce pressure inside of the eye and stop or prevent damage to the optic nerve.You may be interested in reading Causes of Glaucoma and Glaucoma Herbal Remedies. Also read more on Weak Vision
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-04-05  +  

Natural Hair Growth Methods, Control Hair Loss

These days, hair replacement is actually a pretty good bet. It involves removing individual follicles and implanting them in the receipt area: the follicles take root and then fall out, leaving the root behind. That root grows as a natural hair. On the other hand, hair loss medication seeks to offer an alternative to mild cases of hair thinning and loss.If you have a number of friends all around the same age you'll almost certainly have noticed just how much younger and more confident those with full heads of hair appear compared to those whose hairlines seem to be stuck in reverse gear.For many people the loss of hair or the thinning of hair is gradual, and it may well be some considerable time before you even notice. Often it's when you glance back at pictures of how you looked a few years earlier that realization dawns, and you start comparing your hairline to its former glory.For some people it's suddenly seeing an unusual angle of your head, either in a photograph or mirror, and realizing that the lush head of hair seen each morning is merely the ring around an increasingly thinning crown.Hair loss caused by stress or dieting is actually pretty common, in both sexes. The old adage that stress could cause your hair to fall out is completely true: put the body under enough physical stress and it gets rid of all its hair so it can divert all of its energy towards repairing itself. In cases like this, the best solution is to wait. Hair lost through physical stress grows back after the repair is complete.There are three basic classes of hair medication that can be considered. Two are man made, to a greater or lesser degree – they both contain artificially synthesized compounds that inhibit the production of DHT – a testosterone related hormone that causes progressive baldness. Both of these men made varieties of hair loss medication have experienced a pretty satisfactory degree of achievement in patients experiencing thinning of the hair. The compounds they contain (in one case, a compound called finasteride) slow down the production of DHT, which can dramatically reduce or even stop the thinning.Common Hair Loss TreatmentsWith how big of a problem hair loss is it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of treatment options available. However, how good those treatments are varies, just like everything else some methods are better than others are. Surgery for hair implants and transplants is one of the methods that many people turn too. The problem with the surgery is that if further hair loss occurs it can leave you with irregular patches of hair on your head, not to mention the cost of the treatment. A Nixon Three Part Hair and Scalp System is another treatment option for women. This method is designed to help restore your hair back to a healthy condition by cleaning, restoring, and activating the hair follicles. The biggest problem with this system is that even though it is custom-made based on a person’s specific needs once the product is no longer being used the hair loss can come back.You may be interested in reading Natural Hair Loss Treatment and Hair Loss Remedy. Also read more on Hair Loss Herbal
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-31  +  

Learn about Pneumonia and Its Home Remedies

Pneumonia is a common type of pulmonary disease that involves inflammation and infection of the lungs, triggering an overproduction of mucus at the level of the respiratory tract. The intensity and the duration of the symptoms generated by pneumonia differ from a person to another, according to factors such as age, overall health andA the immune system's capability of fighting against infections.Causes of Pneumonia:Pneumonia is caused by inhalation of infected micro organisms spread through contact of infected person. If the body resistance is low, the natural process of fighting off the disease is weakened and the micro organisms are free to spread in the lungs. The sir sacs are filled with fluid and pus from the infectious agents making it more difficult to get oxygen hence resulting in sickness.The main causes of pneumonia are• Bacteria• Viruses• Fungi• Parasites• Chemical or Physical Injury to LungsThe pneumonia symptoms initially begin with cold which is followed by high fever. A person suffering from pneumonia may experience shaking chills along with cough that has sputum production. The sputum produced may be discolored and in some cases it may also be bloody. Shortness of breath is often experienced by those suffering from this condition. Patients also tend to experience clammy skin because of the fever and chills.Symptoms of Pneumonia• The signs of pneumonia may vary from mild-to-severe depending on the type of organism that has caused the infection.• The signs of pneumonia are similar to that of common flu so most people don't realize that they have a more serious condition.• The most common sign of pneumonia is fever associated with cough producing greenish or yellow sputum or phlegm. People with pneumonia may cough up blood and may experience sweaty and moist skin.• People suffering from pneumonia also experience shortness of breath and shaking chills.• Other signs of pneumonia include sweating and chest pain that fluctuates with breathing.• Most people suffering from pneumonia complain of severe headaches and low energy levels.• Some people suffering from pneumonia may have other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.• Patients who are at a higher risk may have other complications as well. Bacteremia is one such complication where the infection spreads to the patient's bloodstream.Home Remedies for Pneumonia• Pneumonia is life frightening disease and hence, home remedies may be useful in aid of the main treatment and should not be careful as main treatment one can depend on.• To begin with, one should go for raw juices for 5-7 days for initial days.• For this, one can take glass of fruit or vegetable juice weak with warm water on 50-50 basis. This is to be taken each two hourly. Fruits like oranges, pineapple, apple, orange etc are helpful.• Avoid strong tea, coffee and other refreshment beverages. This may produce bad result in pneumonia.• One should also keep away from white sugar, white flour and all products made out of them. These are serious to digest and may worsen the case of pneumonia.You may be interested in reading Home Remedies for Pneumonia and Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Also read more Vascular Headache
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-29  +  

Easily Prevent Pneumonia by Home Remedies

Pneumonia is an acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of one or both lungs. An inflammation of the lungs caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants. The air sacs in the lungs fill with pus and other liquid. Oxygen has trouble reaching your blood. If there is too little oxygen in your blood, your body cells can't work properly. Because of this and spreading infection through the body pneumonia can cause death. Pneumonia can range from very mild to very severe, even fatal. The severity depends on the type of organism causing pneumonia as well as your age and underlying health.Symptoms like these can be given also by other diseases like acute bronchitis and only a thoracic X-ray can tell them apart.Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most frequent bacterium that leads to pneumonia. Other bacteria involved in the turn up of pneumonia are: Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila.Pneumonia can be caught from the air, if you inhale small particles of infected sputum or saliva from other people, or if the air conditioner was not cleaned properly. One can get pneumonia easier then other if it has a weakened immune system.Walking Pneumonia SymptomsCold and Flu: The initial symptoms of this disease are similar to common cold or flu. You may not even realize the difference. However, as days pass by you may experience sluggishness, decreased activity, low energy levels and persistent fever. You could also experience sore throat and headache. In case of children, the symptoms of Walking Pneumonia will aggravate after five to six days. The coughing can get worse in the night and it may be streaked with blood. It can become persistent and will not go with regular common cold medicines. The child may require antibiotics.Low Energy Levels: The sufferer may experience very low energy levels. A sudden decline in energy is a strong symptom of this condition. Unlike influenza or common cold, the patient may experience a severe dip in the levels of energy or even feel fatigued.Wheezing: A wheezing sound in the chest is another common symptom. Crackles in chest are also common with people who suffer from walking pneumonia. The organism mycoplasma pneumoniae affects the lungs and causes this wheezing sound. It may also cause difficulty in breathing. The patient may experience shallow or rapid breathing.Home Treatment for Pneumonia:• Pneumonia can be treated in early stage by having the tea prepared from the leaves of fenugreek seeds. Have four cups of tea every day. Reduce the intake rate, once the condition improves.• Garlic is the most important component in curing pneumonia. Adding garlic in the food of the patient can be helpful. Garlic paste can also be applied on the chest of the patient to improve respiration and pulse.• Crush 15 gms of sesame seeds and add it in 250 ml water. Mix it with one tablespoon of honey and linseed. Add a pinch of salt to it and consume the mixture. This is much effective in treating pneumonia.• The combination of carrot juice and beet with cucumber juice or spinach juice is also beneficial in curing pneumonia.You may be interested in reading Home Remedies for Pneumonia and Vascular Headache. Also read more Depression Home Remedies
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-23  +  

Lifestyle Changes for Heart Disease Prevention

Heart is one of the significant parts of the body which needs to be in best of its condition for a healthy life of an individual. If a state of heart changes from the normal condition and the person is painful then it is unspoken that a person may be suffering from some type of heart disease.Heart failure is caused by the heart not pumping as much blood as it should and so the body does not get as much blood and oxygen that it needs. The malfunctioning of the heart chambers are due to damage caused by narrowed or blocked arteries leading to the muscle of your heart.Causes of Heart DiseasesThere are many causes of heart diseases. Most of heart diseases are caused by high blood pressure contributes to hardening of the arteries. High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) build up in the arteries as a result of uncontrolled diet with high levels of saturated fat and trans fat. All these add to the formation of atherosclerosis lesions and eventually arterial blockage or anything that serves to damage the inner lining of blood vessels and impedes the transportation of oxygen and nutrition to the heart can be defined as a risk of heart disease.Coronary Artery DiseaseAccording to the Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, coronary artery disease is a condition where plaque builds up in the coronary arteries, cutting off the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart. Coronary artery disease often results in heart attack, and is the leading killer of both men and women in the U.S. In 2006 alone, more than 600,000 people died from this disease — and those numbers continue to climb today.Signs & Symptoms of a Heart AttackIn the event that you or a loved one suffers a heart attack, knowing the signs and symptoms can save your life. Most people commonly recognize chest pain as an indicator, but are not aware that many other symptoms can be present. The Centers for Disease Control lists the following as warning signs of a heart attack: chest pain lasting for more than a few minutes, or chest pain that comes and goes; pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach; shortness of breath; cold sweats; nausea; feeling light-headed.Heart diseases affecting heart muscles include:1. CardiomyopathyHeart muscle becomes inflamed and doesn't work as well as it should. There may be multiple causes such as high blood pressure, heart valve disease, artery diseases or congenital heart defects.a) Dilated cardiomyopathyThe heart cavity is enlarged and stretched. Blood flows more slowly through an enlarged heart, causing formation of blood clots as a result of clots sticking to the inner lining of the heart, breaking off the right ventricle into the pulmonary circulation in the lung or being dislodged and carried into the body's circulation to form emboli.b) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathyThe wall between the two ventricles becomes enlarged, obstructing the blood flow from the left ventricle. Sometimes the thickened wall distorts one leaflet of the mitral valve, causing it to leak. The symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy include shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting and angina pectoris.You may be interested in reading Heart Care Home Remedies and Heart Failure Treatment. Also read more Control Cholesterol
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-21  +  

How to Make Your Own Anemia Home Remedies

Anemia is defined as hemoglobin concentration in blood below the lower limit of the normal range for the age and sex of the individual. In adults, the lower extreme of the normal hemoglobin is taken as 13 g% for males and 11.5% for females. New born infants have higher hemoglobin levels and therefore, 15% is taken as the lower limit at birth, whereas at 3 months, the lower limit is taken as 9.5%. Although hemoglobin value is employed as the only parameter for determining whether or not anemia is present, the red cell counts, haematocrit and absolute values provide alternate means of assessing anemia.Causes of Anemia:• Most important and persistent cause of the disease remains the intake of an unbalanced diet that lacks in iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin C that helps the body to absorb iron.• Anemia is a result of systemic toxemia and acidosis-a condition of poisons, toxins and accumulated waste products floating in the blood - and lymph-streams, and of enervation or lowered nerve-tone.Anemia Symptoms• Pica. One odd symptom, (which in some cases is a cause of iron deficiency), is pica. This is the habit of eating unusual substances, such as ice (called pagophagia), clay, cardboard, foods that crunch, or raw starch. For example, in one study, half of people whose pica took the form of pagophagia (eating at least one tray of ice every day for 2 months) or eating foods that crunch (such as raw potatoes, carrots, or celery) were iron deficient.• Black and tarry stools (sticky and foul smelling)• Maroon, or visibly bloody stools• Rapid heart rateTypes of anemia1. Iron deficiency anemia: It is the most common types of anemia. Iron is required for the formation of hemoglobin, when there is less iron in the body it causes iron deficiency anemia.2. Aplastic anemia: When body stops making enough red blood cells and chances of infections increases.3. Vitamin deficiency anemia: This is also termed as megaloblastic anemia. This is caused due to the deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12.Home Remedies for Anemia• Daily intake of beet juice is a cure for anemia.• Two baths with cold water can effectively treat anemia.• Four dried figs may be taken daily. It will restore the health of an anemic.• Sunlight stimulates and triggers red blood cells. Therefore sunbaths are very good for anemic.• A mixture of lemon, honey and apple cider vinegar may be taken every morning in empty stomach. This is an effective home remedy for anemia.• Consumption of mashed banana mixed with honey may be taken daily to raise blood level.• One may soak 7 almonds overnight, peel off the skin next morning, and make a paste. One spoonful of the paste may be taken daily.You may be interested in reading Anemia Home Remedies and Home Remedies for Anemia. Also read more Treatment of Anemia
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-18  +  

How Genital Herpes is Diagnosed

Having a sexually transmitted disease is not pleasant for anyone, and it can be very painful as well no matter what disease it is. One of the most common STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases) is genital herpes, and the statistics show that one in every five teenage boys and girls has the virus. The symptoms of genital herpes include itching, burning, swelling and blisters, and there are very few products offering help for these nasty painful symptoms on the market. Any sexually transmitted disease can become very serious over the longer period and your health can be badly affected.Symptoms of Genital Herpes:Medical science shows it is a tiny particle, a virus that is but one member of a large herpes "society". Chicken pox and shingles are normal afflictions caused by the herpes viruses. The one producing genital herpes is much like (at times identical) to the virus causing the common cold sores most people get on their lips. But when herpes affect the genitals, the sufferer has frequently (but not always) contracted the virus in a unique way: by sexually intimate contact with another infected herpes victim.Three to seven days after exposure to herpes, the infected one notices a fiery or tingling experience in the genital area; the herald of painful, fluid-filled lesions. The sores produce their torment for two to six weeks before clearing up. But herpes don't just go away. Doctors make clear it simply beats a retreat, through the nerve pathways, to nerve clusters at the bottom of the spine.Types of HerpesThere are two types of HSV genital herpes, and help for painful herpes symptoms for both can be gained using all natural homeopathic HERPESET. HSV type 1 mostly causes sores on the lips, (which are known as fever blisters or cold sores), but it can also cause genital infections as well. HSV type 2 genital herpes is the virus that most often causes genital sores, in and around the vaginal area, on the penis, around the anal opening, and even on the buttocks or thighs. It can also happen that sores also appear on other parts of the body where broken skin has come into contact with the herpes virus.Genital Herpes Natural Treatment:• If you suffer from herpes, then this is for you. If you have outbreaks and have to call the doctor to get a prescription filled, you know how frustrating this can be.• What if someone offered you a way to cure the outbreak in less than 72 hours without a prescription?• Would you try it to see if you have finally found a way to avoid the expense of those pills? Would you try it so you never have to call the doctor again?• Herpes Remedy Report has what you need to cure the herpes outbreak without drugs.• It can help you right away if you have an outbreak. Instead of having to call the doctor and wait for an appointment to get a piece of paper for a drug, you could start curing the outbreak yourself right away.You may be interested in reading Genital Herpes and Treatment of Genital Warts. Also read more Kitchen Herbal Remedies
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-16  +  

What to do if you Suffer from Sinusitis

Surely you've already experienced. The other side feels that instead of heads you have inflated balloon. You should stuffy nose, ear zalahnute, in the face and forehead in particular has felt the pressure to rupture. The pain worsened especially when changing position of the head and was becoming almost unbearable in the forwards.That you did not know if you hurt the entire head or only the face or upper row of teeth. Mucus running down into your throat irritant cough, temperature could be associated to fever, in some cases, swelling around the eyes. Yes, we are talking about the dreaded complication of rhinitis - inflammation of the sinuses professionally known as sinusitis.Symptoms• Tenderness and swelling over zealous cavities• Uncomfortable feeling of fullness, pressure or burden in the face and around eyes• Nasal congestion and runny nose• Perhaps it is unpleasant smelling, greenish or yellow nasal discharge• Headache, general malaise• Increased temperature, fever• HalitosisCourseNasal cavities (sinuses) are air vyplneneé hollow spaces in the facial bones. They are lined with mucous membrane, precluding mucus and small amount of algae (cilia) that move in waves of mucus toward the small passage drenážujúcim sinuses into the nose.Acute sinusitis is generated by the mucous membrane swelling, usually during a cold or flu. Ciliary apparatus is damaged and there so the accumulation of mucus. Cavity irrigated land are ideal for microbial growth, usually the type of Haemophilus influenzae and streptococci and staphylococci.PreventionFor colds and colds smrkajte care inca the mucus gets into the sinuses. If you feel signs of cold, take echinacea, which shorten the course of the disease and reduce the risk of disease. Against drying out the mucous membranes of the airways, especially in winter, use the flat evaporators.WARNINGPeople with diabetes or weakened immunity are at risk of life-threatening form of fungal sinusitis. The cavities accumulate clusters of dead tissue in the nose can be a huge polyps. The disease is manifested by headache, blindness and other neurological symptoms. Immediate treatment is needed to antifungal agents such as Amphotericin B, to prevent danger to life or damage to the brain.What will help sinusitis?• Temporarily drops into the nose to make air nose (decongestants): Nasivin, Muconasal, Otrivin, OLYNTH, Vibrocil, Sanorin, Pinosol• Especially allergy sufferers are advised to use topical corticosteroids in the nose (significantly relieve inflammation): Rhinocort, Nasonex, Flixonase, Tafen• Regular flushing of the nose (a solution of salt water, sea water sprays): Stérimar, Mar, Sinomarin, Vincentka• Use of herbal syrups or tablets, which released a special cavity (Nasivin Sinus - syrup and tablets, Sinupret - drops and tablets)• inhalation of hot water (with salt, a eucalyptus oil, over Vincentka, allergists would prefer not to inhale any hot water with herbs, particularly chamomile), will also help emergency hot shower and inhale the pain at work can be done over a cup of hot tea, coffee (hands over the cups to create a chamber and inhale the steam)You may be interested in reading Home Remedies for Sinusitis and Sinusitis Treatment. If you want read more Sinusitis Remedy
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-10  +  

Hair Loss Disease - what to do?

Premature hair loss is defined under the age of the subject, however, plays an important role especially scalp condition. Gradual thinning of hair on the forehead of a person younger than 35 years is considered natural; it is a premature hair loss.Retreat from the border of head hair is usually the first stage and is applied subsequent hair loss. When you see the first stage, can stop hair loss and prevent the subsequent stages of hair loss - hair loss continued.This later stage is characterized by loss of hair on the skull leading to the emergence of lysine. It should know that the hair root is in the case of premature hair loss down very soon and is getting fed less nourishing substances. The weakened root hair grows weak, which gradually ceases to grow. As may be early sign of more severe hair loss hair loss in the future, it needs to be addressed already the first signs.Causes of hair loss may be more and may be different. The most widespread is it evenly and gradually thin hair on the entire surface of the head. Most often it causes stress, iron deficiency, working with chemicals, particularly carcinogens arsenic and lead, taking some medicines, but also hormones.It's not surprising that many pregnant women, women after childbirth, but also women in menopause and menopause problems with the quality, density and hair loss. Another important factor is the hormonal contraceptives. This may cause hair loss, but also may also help.Good health is crucial for healthy hair. Diagnoses such as diabetes, astigmatism, visual disturbances, salmonellosis, even a high fever can start a process, which becomes the man sometimes psychological trauma. Law applicable to many different causes of hair loss is necessary to pass professional examinations to establish the exact cause of the loss. Need to check thyroid function, visit an ophthalmologist, a gynecologist and even a dentist. Often, in fact it may cause hair loss and chronic abscess on the tonsils or teeth.How to prevent hair loss? In particular, the very diet that contains enough iron, such as tomatoes, black currants and apricots. It is recommended that consumption of red meat and yeast, which contains vitamin B complex, the use of medicinal herbs such as. nettle, which is not only drunk, but her hair and rinse baths of olive oil, egg yolk or special hair treatments.We can also resort to preparations of the pharmacies to market a range of products and vitamins from panthenol, zinc, selenium to collagen.And finally what is the impact of chemicals and mechanical damage hair. Part of almost every contemporary woman's use of colors, gels, hardeners and hairspray. If you do not want to hurt the hair, it is good to take advice from haircuts and invest in quality products, which contain a variety of nourishing ingredients. Washing hair is an individual matter, it is necessary to take into account the environment in which we live and work and to adapt the frequency of washing. Again, it pays to invest in quality shampoos, hair that is too dry and neodmastuju.You may be interested in reading Hair Loss Remedy and Stop Hair Fall. If you want read more Herbal Hair Loss Cream
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-09  +  

Dental Care Requires More Than Just Cleaning Them

Teeth are the main tool for human-quality food preparation for our stomach. But you know that there are foods that help in the treatment of teeth and their health condition? Do you long for bright white teeth? You often suffer from gingivitis?Against cariesPreventative against tooth decay helps for example to drink daily 1-2 cups of green tea or a piece of cheese eaten after a meal. And find a rather low fat. Juice of lemon - add a few drops of water to rinse the mouth after washing the teeth, thereby acting against caries.Anti-tartarBleaching effect on teeth has been mentioned lemon juice. Potierajte have her teeth are white and massage helps the potentiating of the roots of teeth. Or use the toothpaste with the addition of baking soda or chalk and always remember her drip a few drops of lemon juice. It also works well to dissolve the tartar.Against periodontal diseaseIf you have periodontitis, feel free to visit a dentist urgently need to help you and medicine. The prevention is to help us many fruits, such as Lemons, oranges, rosehips, grapefruit, black currant, dried blueberries, and increased consumption of raw fruit.Lack of calcium also plays a big role. Is needed is a sufficient supply of vitamins D, C and folic acid.GingivitisInflammation of the gums can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin P (bioflavonoid that are: routines and citron) - especially if the inflammation often repeated. You can find it in citrus fruits, buckwheat, peppers, black currants, and darts.Try the concoction of mint, chamomile, or sage. One tablespoon of herbs to 200 ml boiling water and rinse your mouth decoctions in inflammation, pain and odor. Or use the infusion of dried blueberries.Substances necessary for teeth• Apple - our favorite in traditional medicine. Biting apple massage of gums. Apple flesh in its composition helps whiten enamel, it is best to eat after dinner.• Fluoride increases the stability of bone and teeth. Excellent protection against dental caries. But in nature is represented as hardly anywhere. Where to find it? High fluorine content is millet. Millet is the cereal taste great. Favorites to accompany a meal, like pudding than cake, have multiple uses. Walnuts are also rich in fluorine content.• Phosphorus is absolutely necessary component to protect against tooth decay. And its failure is one of the main triggering factors of dental caries. And although its source is the amount of food, improper diet composition destroys him. For example, white flour in it to lose 70% of sugar and it will remove 100% of the food. So shall appoint at least the most basic foods with high phosphorus content: soybeans, buckwheat, black tea, walnuts, dried brewer's yeast - tibia yeast, wheat germ, sardines, cottage cheese and yogurt.• Calcium is similarly important in preventing any dental problems. You can find it in poppy, seaweed Hijikata , or Wakame in sardines, soy flour, cabbage, spinach, in the yolk, in beans, in hard cheeses, yogurt.• Folic acid is found in spinach, liver, vine fruit, avocado, cabbage, wheat germ.You may be interested in reading Tooth Whitening and Children Dental Care. If you want read more Dental Cream
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-08  +  

Causes of Kathrine's Kidney Pain and Treatment

Doctors use hem dialysis to remove waste products and excess water from the blood of patients with end stage renal disease. If necessary, may be ill treated with injections of vitamin D and erythropoietin (a hormone necessary for the production of red blood cells).The importance of drinking regime that we are in articles on our web site described for many. We do not scare you, but non-drinking regime, and thus drink less than two to three liters of water, tea and mineral waters a day you can cause many health problems. Let us now together in one of them - kidney stones.Causes of Kidney Pain• Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): It is a genetic kidney disorder, causing enlarged kidneys due to formation of several cysts. This condition can cause dull and aching kidney pain.• Kidney Cancer: In some rare cases of kidney cancer, tumor can grow and damage the capsule of the kidneys causing dull and steady pain. In order to cure kidney cancer, tumor should be removed surgically.• Blocked Urine Flow: There are certain health conditions other than kidney stones such as chronic bilateral obstructive uropathy or enlarged prostate that can cause a blockage of urine flow. This can lead to dull, aching pain.The most common cause of kidney stones or sand is, as we wrote, low fluid intake, but also an excess of certain substances in the body, such as calcium or urinary tract congenital deformations, scar after inflammation, urinary tract infections, but the formation of kidney stones, diabetes and contributes thyroid disease. The doctor provides a diagnosis of ultrasonic and computer tomography. Smaller stones, which have up to four millimeters is possible to get rid of naturally, more surgery or breaking the ultrasound.Symptoms of Kidney Pain• The kidneys are located at the posterior of human abdomen, just below the rib cage. It is found that most of the times, people confuse kidney pain with back pain.• Kidney pain is observed in the upper back and it is a sudden agonizing pain. The back pain is followed by urinary problems. The next are two significant causes of kidney pain.For example, kidney infections and kidney stones can often be successfully treated. Chronic inflammation of the glomerulus (glomerulonephritis) is the most common kidney disease, which slowly progress to kidney failure.Your doctor may recommend certain medications or suggest a specific diet for you.Before consulting a doctor you can follow some of the most important activities to pacify your kidney infection because you need to have internal power to follow medication as prescribed by the doctor.Most of the time people get pale and lose complete strength for which they need to be hospitalized and the infection gets better for them. Hence, follow below activities that will help you at the most.You may be interested in reading Home Remedies for Kidney Stones and Urinary Tract Stones. If you want read more Prevents Kidney Stones
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-04  +  

Some Tips on How to Stop Baldness

Baldness is one of the ills of modern civilization, with which the medicine is still unaware of the Council. Experts often disagree as to what is the real cause and how to proceed in the fight against hair loss. What is certain is the role of heredity, which, however, not wholly. Whether your family are all these were men bald relatives, or just want to make sure prevention is to start with your lifestyle.Research reveals that every seventh person has both genetic variants that contribute to a higher risk of hair loss. According to scientists, the main objective of the ability to predict "failure" associated with baldness, which may then lead to effective prevention.Another substance that is needed to detect lies in the question of how we both genes function and whether they interact with other genes. It would then be used as gene therapy, ie substitution "undesirable" forms of the gene for the "right".This does not mean baldness. For years wiser people discuss the impact of diet baldness. Publishable silica, calcium & iron rich diet can reduce hair loss and baldness arrest. Studies in the past have shown that silica therapy slowed baldness. Shampoo containing organic silica was found to help prevent baldness, stimulate hair growth and provides luster, shine and strength. The outer coverings of potatoes, green & red peppers and cucumbers contain silica. Bean sprouts are also high in silica.In particular, men are prone to hereditary hair loss and are affected by a number of male androgen hormones in the body, including in particular testosterone. In this type occurs first major loss of hair shortly after puberty. Most of the hair starts falling out between the twentieth and year of life, and then there is a decline in their hair.Smoking and baldnessIf you are declaring experts warning that smoking causes lung cancer, let cool, you may have to rethink your habit of Taiwanese experts are able results. They studied a group of nonsmokers and smokers. Men, who smoked every day approximately twenty cigarettes, have suffered significant loss of hair up to twice as likely as their abstaining counterparts. At risk are former smokers. Tobacco is, according to research toxins can permanently damage the DNA of cells of hair follicles.If you have noticed sudden hair loss, do not panic now. The cause of the crash can be a momentary lack of vitamins. Blame usually vitamin B, zinc and iodine. These elements fill with consumption of yeast, egg yolks, shellfish and marine fish. If, after a change of lifestyle change does not take place, the problem may be the lack of lymphatic system.The aim is to get into your diet more fruits and vegetables. Ideally, try to eat them raw, so to avoid destruction of important nutrients during cooking. Foods that contain a high percentage of water, namely, promoting the proper function of the lymphatic system. In addition to these positive effects on the organism often occurs as the weight loss caused by consuming foods with high water content.You may be interested in reading Baldness Home Remedies and Natural Hair Loss Treatment. If you want read more Hair Care Products
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-03  +  

Overweight and Obesity Increase the Risk of Cancer

World Cancer Day (World Cancer Day) highlights the relationship between obesity and cancer. The new data shows the need for greater awareness and better prevention of cancer. International Union against cancer UICC (International Union against Cancer), launched a campaign called "I love my healthy, active childhood, which aims to raise awareness about the link between body weight and cancer."Three to four million new cases of cancer could not be diagnosed each year if people were not overweight and not obese, "said Isabel Mortara, UICC executive director. "Healthy habits start in childhood, so that our attention should focus on children to eat healthily and be physically active. It is estimated that 22 million children under 5 years are overweight and this problem is growing." Campaign highlights the need for UICC report on a survey called the assumptions and behaviors related to cancer which was published, which gave new details that people do not realize how their behavior increases the risk of cancer. For example, about 40 percent of the American continent, Australia, New Zealand and West Asia do not realize the link between obesity and cancer risk. In other areas the figure was even higher.The survey provided data for the first time the views of cancer and related behavior comparable internationally. UICC Union cooperated in 2008 with the Gallup International Agency offices and interviewed more than 40 000 respondents in 39 countries. The new report provides detailed information on eight areas of the United Nations. "Overweight and obesity are among the factors that lead to the development of many cancers," said Professor David Hill, UICC President of the Union. Science knows this fact very well, but the public is aware of this fact is not enough. In fact, the current lack of awareness that the body weight increases the risk of developing cancer of our access points are likely to smoke and cancer in the late fifties of the twentieth century. "World Cancer Day means the beginning of the yearlong campaign, which should encourage adults to promote healthy diets and physical activity among children. "The accumulated evidence to show the link between overweight and obesity and cancer, drawn largely from studies of adults," said Hill. "But healthy habits for life is best established in early childhood." The campaign is based on the technical report entitled Healthy Active childhood, which was published, which is one of the ways of the UICC is working with its members and partners in implementing the World Declaration cancer (World Cancer Declaration), adopted in 2008.You may be interested in reading Lose Weight Naturally and Treatment for Obesity. If you want read more Herbal Weight Loss Pills
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-03-02  +  

Causes Leucorrhoea and Home Remedies Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is a condition in which the whitish vaginal discharge due to inflammation or irritation of membranes female reproductive organs. Often occurs normally, but if excessive, may be a sign of infection. Leucorrhoea is a simple add-in normal vaginal secretion.This may be strong, viscous and malodorous. There is usually a discharge in addition puberty, when sexual function that are established. Leucorrhoea may also be classified as cervical or vaginal leucorrhoea given by its origin - cervix or vagina.Most women do not recognize these changes, a number of diseases, such as back pain, fatigue, joint pain and all the frequent ill-health are often credited them so-called "white discharge".Causes Leucorrhoea• Hormonal disorders• Improper hygienic conditions• Improper eating habits• Indigestion and constipationAnemia and fifth disease like diabetes, etc. menorrhageaSYMPTOMS LEUCORRHOEA• Irritation and desire for the genitalia, which is more at night.• Digestive problems• Constipation• Headaches and dizziness, is often observed.• Discharge generally observed for underwear.Home remedy for Leucorrhoea• Effective home remedy for leucorrhoea is lady finger. Decoction of this vegetable is prepared steamy 100 g clear capsules, sliced in half liter of water for 20 minutes and then strained sweetened.• The infusion, in doses of two or three ounces regularly is very beneficial in all irritable situation genito-urinary system, including leucorrhoea.Leucorrhoea Treatment of Nature CureThe treatment of this disease should start with a fruit diet, including papaya, sweet lime, orange, Chika, guava and pear, can be taken twice or three times a day.Cup water, lemon, can be taken in the morning. After fruit diet, a meal consists of whole grain bread and vegetables should be kept. Moonga Dalia and he may also be accepted.• Vagina should be washed every day with water Neem.• Practice enema is also necessary to clean the stomach.• Mud wraps over your belly, Hipbath every morning and evening sitz bath daily is an excellent treatment.Yoga for LEUCORRHOEA• Sarvang ASAN• Pranayam• Vajra ASANAyurvedic Remedies• Pushyanuga Churn-powder medicine is very useful in leucorrhoea ¬ 3 g of dust should be taken twice a day with a cup of milk or rice wash.• Ashokarishta is also effective. The oral liquid may be taken internally in the form of dispensing 20 ml 20 ml water, twice daily with Pushyanuga churn.• Lukol Tablet PC (Himalaya Drugs) 1 to 2 tablets twice a day pack.You may be interested in reading Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea and Vaginal Candidiasis. If you want read more Excessive Vaginal Discharge
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-02-23  +  

Allergy Treatment Products -What Are The Main Advantages?

The substances accepted as allergens are what could cause allergies in individuals who are actual acute to them. People’s allergic acknowledgment to something as embodied by deepening or allergies occurs if they inhale, blow or eat something that their bodies are not acclimated to.One out of three humans either says that they accept a aliment abhorrence or that they adapt the ancestors diet because a ancestors affiliate is doubtable of accepting a aliment allergy. To analyze aliment abhorrence a doctor accept to aboriginal actuate if the accommodating is accepting an adverse acknowledgment to specific foods. This appraisal is fabricated with the admonition of a abundant accommodating history and a diet diary, The next footfall some doctors use is an abolishment diet. Under the doctor's direction, the accommodating does not eat a aliment doubtable of causing the allergy, like eggs, and substitutes addition food, in this case, addition antecedent of protein. This abode cannot be used, however, if the reactions are astringent (in which case the accommodating should not resume bistro the food) or infrequent.Other accepted allergic causes are pollens from flowers (this can be referred to as springtime allergy), moulds and dust. These 'triggers', accepted as abeyant allergens, may be beastly fur and dander, feathers, mites, abode dust, pollen, cockroach droppings, insect stings, chemicals (like perfumes, and even our accustomed cosmetics like shampoos and soaps!) and dyes, medication, constructed fiber, and a huge array of aliment and drinks. To abide these reactions, the aboriginal band of aegis is alienated allergens that could cause these allergic symptoms.While abounding anticipate of abhorrence analysis in the forms of over-the-counter inhalers, ointments and medication, others opt for the added accustomed way for abhorrence abatement like an herbal supplement that would admonition annihilate the sneezing, the coughing and the itching. Right aural ones kitchen is capacity to concoct an abhorrence home antidote after paying for the acceptable drugs. Dealing with allergies is an austere amount because allergies could be baleful if abhorrence analysis is not administered immediately. If you anticipate your abhorrence is arch to Asthma affection you accept to seek medical advice.When humans activate to yield the accustomed access to abhorrence treatment, affairs are they ability be all-embracing homeopathy, a disease-treatment arrangement accomplished for hundreds of years already. Some added forms of accustomed remedies are: Applied Kinesiology, Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Biofeedback, Bodywork, Chinese Medicine, Color Therapy, Flower Essences, Gemstone Therapy, Iridology, Macrobiotics, Meditation, Music Therapy and Naturopathy.An herbal supplement is the bigger advantage to accord with allergic reactions than those drugs that accommodate chemicals. There are accepted cases area assertive individuals accept abhorrence reactions to some medications. Others artlessly don’t wish pills and injections for their abhorrence treatment. In this case, a home antidote abhorrence analysis would be fine.Using diet and vitamin supplements to physique up your amnesty backbone makes accepted sense. I accept begin advice on a website contributed by Helene Malmsey to be absolutely accessible in acquirements added about accustomed cures abhorrence treatment. For instance, he bigger your diet superior is, the stronger your physique becomes to action off the triggers that would contrarily could cause an allergic acknowledgment in the fatigued and afflicted allowed arrangement in the body.You can as well sometimes get abhorrence and hay agitation abatement by accepting a beef facial, as breath in the beef helps to apple-pie out the pollens from your sinuses, and the damp can allay affronted tissues in your adenoids and eyes. Cool cucumber slices or algid wet tea accoutrements can be adequate on your eyes to admonition allay them.You may be interested in reading Allergies Home Remedies and Allergy Supplement. If you want read more Home Remedies for Skin Allergies
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-02-21  +  

Factors contributing to Obesity and Obesity Remedies

Overweight refers to body weight in relation to body height compared with standards of acceptable or desirable weight.Standards of desirable weights to derive a number of ways:• Using a mathematical formula known as Body Mass Index (BMI), which represents the weight associated with lowest overall risk to health. Desirable levels according to BMI may change with age.• By measuring the actual height and weight.Obesity is defined as excess body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass.Doctors say that women with more than 30% share and men with more than 25% of body fat are obese.Overweight and obesity are the result of energy imbalance. This includes the consumption of large amounts of calories and lack of physical activity.Body weight is the result of genes, metabolism, behavior, environment, culture and socio-economic status.Habits and environment play an important role in overweight and obesity in humans.Factors contributing to obesity• Obesity and overweight are chronic assumptions. Overall, there are many factors that play a role in obesity.• Overweight and obesity are the result of energy imbalance over a long period of time. The cause of energy imbalance can be for each individual combination of factors. Individual habits, environmental factors and genetics contribute to the complexity of the obesity epidemic.• Changing environmental conditions offer expanded choice of meals and eating habits. Packaged foods, fast food restaurants and soft drinks are also more accessible. Although these meals to eat fast and are preferred, also have high levels of fat, sugar and calories. Collection of such kind of food can contribute to excess calories.• Selection of different types of healthy foods at the correct dosage is helpful for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.Physical activityIt is any bodily movement performed muscles, which results in expenditure of energy through various activities such as: work at work, housework, leisure activities.Regular physical activity is beneficial for overall health. Reduces the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. It also helps control weight, contributes to healthy bones, muscles and joints and helps relieve pain of arthritis.It was found that overweight and obesity are strongly associated with:• Diabetes• High blood pressure• High cholesterol• Asthma• Arthritis• Ill health• And emotional problems (such as feelings of depression, rejection, shame, not attractive)• Obese people may face discriminationExtensionPrevalence of obesity is increasing in epidemic proportions in developed alarming extent "Westernization", but also in less developed countries.For example, prevalence of obesity increased by 10-55% in most European countries over the past 10 years and currently affects 77% of male population in the Pacific in Western Samoa.Health, economic and psycho-social consequences obesity is significant. Obesity is associated with numerous health complications.Treatment methodsMethods of treatment depend on the degree of obesity, general health, motivation and lose weight. Treatment may include a combination of diet, exercise, lifestyle habits; adjustments may be recommended gastrointestinal surgery.You may be interested in reading Herbal Weight Loss and Herbal Obesity Treatment. If you want read more Herbal Weight Loss Pills
Dr. Mital John @ Delhi
yasni 2011-02-11  +  

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