David Waxse Free People Check 

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KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg96 people obtain US citizenship in Fort Scott.

[KOAM-TV] - David Waxse, presiding Judge, says, "You have to be an informed voter because you can waste your vote if you make a decision based on for example how cute their ad is as opposed to what they stand for." One of the questions on the naturalization test

‘He has changed the world’: Area lawyer Gene Balloun marks his...

In the mid-1990s, he and another lawyer, David Waxse, on a pro bono basis, represented students and parents in the Olathe School District in ...

Kansas lawyer marks his 1,000th adoption case - Washington Times

The judge paused as she looked out over a hushed, crowded courtroom.

Stolen Fetus Suspect Arraigned | Fox News

Lisa Montgomery, the woman accused of strangling a pregnant woman and cutting the fetus out of her body, appeared in federal court Monday.
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