Ahmed Baba Free People Check 

( I'm Ahmed Baba)


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The Rebel Librarians Who Saved Timbuktu

In an excerpt from The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu, Joshua Hammer describes one collector’s quest to preserve the rare manuscripts hidden away across...

War in Mali: The Politics Behind Saving Timbuktu's Ancient...

One week after Islamic militants fled Timbuktu under French bombing strikes, preservationists are deeply uncertain about how to continue protecting the city’s...

BBC News - In pictures: Timbuktu's manuscripts at the Ahmed Baba...

The ancient Malian city of Timbuktu has housed for centuries thousands of manuscripts. Many of them seem to have been lost or taken away by retreating Islamist...

Guardian: Ahmed Baba library in Timbuktu torched by Islamists in pictures |...

Malian Islamist rebels set fire to a library at the Ahmed Baba Institute of Islamic Advanced Studies and Research in Timbuktu. The library contained about...
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